Corporal Daniel B. Coleman, Co. H


ENLISTED: 25 November, 1862, Peach Orchard, Lawrence County, KY.

MILITARY DATA: Captured December ?, 1862, a few different dates given - 2, 4, 5, and 16th, and a couple of different places - Pike County, no specific site AND Floyd County. On a muster-out Roll it said, "Captured at either Pearter or Plarter Creek, KY" [possibly Prater?] in Floyd County.

Taken to Richmond/Libby Prison April 1, 1863; Paroled at City Point April 3, 1863, to Camp Chase May 1, 1863; To Army of the Cumberland June 21, 1863. One record says June 2, 1863, he returned to duty in the September/October, 1863, roll. There are different dates for this too.

When relating info regarding his illness, he said he had fever at Libby Prison and then also on June 28, 1863, while at Hickman's Bridge, Ky. There he was treated at a hospital.

MUSTERED OUT: 15 September, 1865, Louisville, KY.

FAMILY DATA: Born 30 July, 1837, to Curtis and Matilda Coleman at Paw Paw, VA.; Wife, Mariam Smith, married 17 March, 1858; Children - H.M., Matilda; Lena; Elbert; L.Dodge; Mary E. Children by Philina Blankenship – Lydia, Boon, Hayse.

RESIDENCE: Paw Paw, KY, on Knox Creek.

DEATH: 11 May, 1920, at home, buried at Coleman Cemetery, Buchanan County, KY.

Submitted by Julie Lindquist

Note: I have been to this cemetery, located at the mouth of Paw Paw Creek (on the Rockhouse Fork), behind the Dotson store. It is no longer visible from the road when the trees have their leaves and the grounds are no longer maintained. I stopped at the store and talked to a Mr. Dotson who knew exactly where it was and agreed to lead me to it. This cemetery is on the side of a hill and it is not recommended that you attempt to climb up to it if you aren't in good health. - Robert.

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