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The ROasis System Other R.O. Systems
All components designed specifically for the ROasis unit. Constructed from off-the-shelf parts.
Custom manufactured for maximum quality and efficiency. All components produced to our strict quality control. Parts come from a variety of sources possibly adding time to orders and variations in quality.
Filters replacement done in seconds without getting out the toolkit. Need tools and time to dismantle and replace filters.
Patented manifold removes the weak link. No more mazes of tubing and fittings. Consumers turned off by intimidating disassembly and reassembly procedure.
Customers and distributors can be assured of factory specified quality replacements. Replacement parts can come from any sources and of any quality.
With Technical Support the visit machine frequently. Without Technical Support otherwise but New One if broke
US Standard Substandard
Convenient to buy New Filters because we deliver on your doorstep. No Delivery you have to search.

Is It Expensive to Invest & Maintain in your own ROASIS?

Buying From Water Store
At P35.00 per 5Gal  x  6 bottles / week      = P    210.00
4 weeks per month                                     = P    700.00
52 weeks per year                                     = P 10,920.00
Total gallons consumed in a year               = 1,300 gallons
Cost per gallon                                          = P 8.40 per gal
Maintaining your own ROASIS
Sediment filter  @ 224 per pc 
(once a month at least for Municipal Water)                                                              P    224.00
Carbon Filter    @ 392 per pc
(every 3months replacement;)       monthly cost                                          P   130.67
Membrane @ 2,800 every 1 ½ yr to 2 years
(depends on your consumption & pre-maintenance)   monthly cost                P   155.55
Granular Activated Carbon @392 per pc
(once a year)     monthly cost                                                               P     32.67                       
Total Monthly Maintenance                                                            P    542.89
52 weeks per year                                                                  P 6,514.68
Total gallons consumed in a year 18,250.00
Cost per gallon                                                                            P 0.36 cents

Price will Change without prior notice

Copyright(c) 2007  H2O Plus Water Treatment Co.