Hey, you can call me Lara. That's not my real name, but that's what I'm known as on the net. I'm still getting this website underway so new pages will be added constantly. I've designed this website to give information on SI which is also known as self-injury, cutting, self-mutilation and many other names. I began cutting myself in April of 2003. I don't cut anymore and I want to help others out of the darkness I was in for so long. I also want to provide information for those who may know someone who hurts themself. Some material on my site may be triggering so please stay safe. You know your limits so scout around at your own discretion. If you like, sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of my site. Please visit the 'help me with my site' page and see if you can do anything for me. Thanks.
A story of
What to do instead of hurting yourself
What SI is
Telling family and friends
Family and friends of self-injurers
My story
Help me with my site!
Verses and a prayer on SI
Warning signs of SI
SI song lyrics
Who self-injures and how common is it
Myths about SI
First aid for injuries (left colomn)
Rants and vents
Others SI stories and poetry
You are FREE!
Thoughts on Life