About this Ring

This webring was started because of the fact that a number of former clique rings no longer accepted members. When I started my own clique, I desired to be a member of a webring in order to get a higher number of members. This ring will give you the opportunity to get a higher number of members in your clique.

Rules of the Ring

1 ~ Your site must be a clique/club/online card trading game. No other alternatives are acceptable. If you are unsure if your site qualifies than submit your site.

2 ~ No redirect URLs please, that includes anything.to, dot.nu and cjb.net

3 ~ You must have a site (obviously)

4 ~ You must have the code up within a week of joining.

5 ~ You can submit as many site as you want, so long as you put a code on each.

Join the Ring

Joining the ring is very easy to do. Just click here and you will be taken to the join form. Make sure to fill in all the fields to make my job easier and the chances of your acceptance higher.

Members of the Ring

To see a list of current members simply click here.


Square Gallery - for the picture featured on the current layout


{<< | Ran. | Clique Me | List | >> }