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That`s right! You`ve reached "THE" Spooky-Angel`s payge. Stay a while and sign my G-Book! Look kinda the same but it's not entirely... trust me, there are many changes. New pages for jokes, poetry, and other interesting stuff... -> yup, even improved pics. Find me on friendster or MSN (jmanzo517@hotmail.com) ttyl.

My lil' Blurb!
From "Desperado" 2 "Flying Boats" thanks 2 JC 4 helping me pull through. (August,23/98) NEEDLE, Manzo Kid, Spooky-Angel same difference once’ there’s a path. I remember Pyro Tymes, popo’s, Coke-Car, Buck-mobile, Halifax, SOS, ABC, Dexterity Check, 069519, Spicy Chicken, JS+girl’s VS SMASH! Pika on Shin roof, Fem-Bosqui/lamp pole, Dancing, Tigah-Whoops, B-Tower Sounds. Special shout out 2 KR, you’ve made these years memorable. Charcoil?!? (May,16/99) Much respects goes 2 the “Sheldrake Crew”, AZN’s, inv*asain, all mah boyz, and #1! Till next tyme…

Let me tell you how I took on the name "Spooky-Angel"! A long tyme ago (16 years) I knew this girl. We were friends n` all but when I got to know her better, I learned about her birthdate. She was born on October 31st! "Spooky" eh? Well not really, I just called her that because I thought it was kinda funny! You know that song "Johnny Angel"? Well I`m sure you know how this`ll turn out but for all you slower people... Yup she called me Johnny Angel. Karen and I are still friends, infact she`s my best and closest friend. Soe "Spooky" and "Johnny Angel" were put together and it created "Spooky-Angel"! :)

Here`s a little info about moi!

Name: Take a wild guess!
Birthdate: May 17th 1983
Height: 5`7
Weight: 175 (that doesn`t mean I`m a fat @$$)
Gender: Male
Location: Ontario, Canada
I B representin da area!
# 109944455
E-mail:Do you have any suggestions? E-mail me!
Ethnicity: Part Pinoy, Part Chinese, Part Spic
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Favorite Drink: Nestea Iced Tea and Bubble Tea
Favorite Poet: DR. Suess
Smiles: Sunny-Cloudish Days, Road Trips, Laughter, Music, Movies, Dancing, Long Talks
Frowns: Rain, Pretentious People, Cold Food+Tea, Not Doing Anything, Bills
Favorite Colors:
Silver, Blue, Grey,Orange
Favorite Sports: Volley-Ball, Basket-Ball, Archery, Kayaking, Foot-Ball
Favorite Food: If you don`t know me, I`ll eat almost anything! (Sushi... mmm...)
Best Day of the Week: Any day with loads of time with my friends.
Hair: Nice n` clean. Spiked up! I cut Danny's and he cuts mine
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Style: Preppy, Casual, Dressy (Don`t do the giant pants thing!) - Sometimes Sporty
Call sign: Manzo Kid, The NEEDLE (The haystack kind), ~¤*§Þסּóķצּ-Åйפּє₤*¤~

JRPose Mai and I ski pose 1 JohnPeace
Picture222 Picture228

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To Karen (Spooky) I just want you to know how special our friendship is to me. I guess it`s only because I need someone to go to Japan with! ;) Well we've been through a lot huh... You've made a great impact on my life and have shown me new ways of thinking. Without a doubt you are my closest and best friend. Wherever our boat may be, I'm sure things will work out. They always seem to with us. I don`t know what else to say but thank you! If it wasn`t for you Spooky-Angel wouldn`t exist! Seperation for reasons of new schools and campus life can't and will never change our relationship. We'll visit each other and do random thins, like going to Quebec last minute for example. Best Friends for Life, I Love You ... Charcoil??? Till Next Tyme...

To Soraya, The coldest Ice cream you ever get if she gets mad. I can remember when Soraya had wings, they were so soft but strong and she flew around the whole world in 20 mins. True story... it is a little known fact that Soraya is really a robot. If you look very close at her belly button... there is an on/off switch. Another interesting thing about her is the way she likes to burn things... like houses and animals, and then she blames it on things like magical elves or midgets. What a funny little girl. Soraya has always been a person I can relate to as Friend. She makes you think because she thinks too. She’s not one to take orders and let things be. What I love about her is that she has a mind of her own and is not satisfied by being tied down by those whom are too insecure to handle her. She is beauty, brains, respectful, kind, and most importantly… one of the most valued people I have in my life. Thank you for being a part of me, Much Love.

To Mai, I was just thinking about our past and our present. Things happen for a reason I guess, and like you always say, "Never have any regrets, the things you do make you, you" You are very special to me and will always be my lil' "pooper scooper"! An yu em. Muu ooahh ah he he!

To My Boyz, All of you B.O, Missi, T-Dot, and ShellDrake Crew... Know that The Needle will never die and will always have your backs, even if it's in a different way now. Being a Christian changes many things for me now... and the way I was just didn't bring me to that level I needed to be at. We're getting older now, time to let time take things over. But I will always remember those oh so many fun times we had.

Nabs!!! To think it's been so long. Remember all those stupid nicknames? I can't belive time has passed so quickly. Okay, so we're gonna have a dance session and when next jam comes...

To BL, Thanx 4 everything your the bestest! :) You`ll Alwayz Be Mah Tooth-Fairy Rite? It's sad that you had to leave but we still be jammin when the tyme comes. Bubble Tea for life!

To KM, Plastic Balloon Rocks! I can't belive you got so much. Thanx! You better stay or imma gonna have to hunt you down. Ha ha ha! I still can't get over the banana's!

To KM, My lil' cuz, luv ya! Wow you're getting... It seemed like yesterday... Remember, 'Bird', 'JESUS', 'Paster'! The invisible man. If you don't goe the momo will get you!

To all the DJ`s, Dj Sypher, DJ PILLZ (// ), DJ Kes, DJ NEEDLE(me), D-Jypt, Special DJ Cru, Digital Sound Crew/Sure Cutt Sound Crew, and FS2 Sound Crew! Mad Respects to M.C. Soph-EQ!

To all the Dizzy Kidz, Sophy(DizzyKhmer), Neil(Desi Breaka), Kevin(Dizzy Shaolin), Dave, and Vuthy (DiZzIe_ImAgE)! Good luck to all them other wanna-be breakers!

A specialshout_out to the whole ALPHA CREW, SHOUT, GENESIS, And WAVE PEEPS! DEXTERITY CHECK!
Genesis Crayola Creez!
Precious, Erin, Keegan, Christine, Chalak, Paul, Maria, Zaheed, and my LD partner Shivani

Wave Mystical Mer-Peoples!
Shannon, Chandra, Morgan, Farheen, Stefanie, Kat, Lisa, Matt, mini J and mini K, and my LD partner Katherine

To my boyz of DASOJOJA/inv*asian/Frixxion/I-V! Dammion, James, Sophy, Nate, Mike, Addison, July, and Chris . We gotta practise cause there's another jam Saturday nite... We gonna make it aiight! Take it E-ze. inv*asian/Frixxion all the way Baby! I know it's been hard... But we'll keep at it!

More Shout Outs!

This is the part where I get tired of putting up all those shout outs soe Imma gonna list some of my peeps that I've met though high school, college, at parties, and other places. No matter how long I've known you, it's safe to say that each one of you's have made me a part of being me so I thank you all for being you! (To my peeps, find you name... it'll be there and if not, tell me and I'll either fix it or shove your face on the screen soe you can see better!)

James(pika), Alex, Will(big), Will(little), Mike(Mangoes), Mike(white), Mike(V), Mike(Dominoes), Mike(E), Mike (Montreal), Ryan (Montreal), JR, Nikko (Mute), Diq, Allan, Femi, Danny(fisherman), Danny(Chinaman), Joe, Neil, Jason(R), Jason(L), Winston, Robin, Taher, Jerome, Riyad, J-kiss, Delano, Micky, Richard, Miguel, Rohan, Deo, Phil (operator), Nav, Robbie, Rick, Sunny, Ali, Shawn, Sean, Dave, Richard, Rick, Al, Ravi, Luke, Adam, Josh, Andy, Leroy, Ron, Nathan, Ashan, Alguin, Ken, Greg, Nathan, Aaron(nat bro), Aaron(volly) Aaron(jitz boy), Eric, Clinton, Gabriel, Johnathan, Marko, Marko2, Tim, Lee, Jay, Sophy, Mike(flip), Addison, July, Nate, Chris(singer), Teacher(M-V.S-CAP), Lenardz, Miles, Aaron, Kevin, Terry, Chris, Tristan, Kamal, Trevy, Andre, Sam, Ben

Karen (Spooky), Mai, Nozomi, Conely, Lisa, Jess, Hamille, Christina #1,2,3,4,5, Cindy(Driving), Cindy(WhiteRose), Ann #1,2, Anne #1,2, Anna, Andrea, Heather(L), Katherine, Bessie, Nabia, Spicy Chicken's, Heather, Samantha, Soraya, Sherlly, Melissa(Blk), Melissa(Tall), Melissa(M), Melissa(little one), Holly, Leah, Ashleigh, Sandra, Tracy, Vanessa, Lois, Jenn #1,2,3,4,5,6, Jen #1,2,3, Michelle, Richa, Katrina, Trina, Nina, Marrissa #1,2, Dana, Jennelle, Emily, Lindsay #1,2, Lindsey #1,2, Lyndsay #1,2,3, Juleigh, Julie #1,2, Jasmyn, Charis, Grace, Janice, Saloni, Lindsay, Hanna, Sin, Erica(prom), Erika(small), Tyce, Sheeny, Tara, Stacy, Ashley, Linh, Laurie, Kimmy, Anita, Nozomi, Cara, Melinda, Emelly, Sherri, Vidhi, Angel, Danielle, My "Sexy B**ches", Lyzette, Becky, Robin, Marina, Sonya, Sonya(small), Darcie, Tajinder, Saba, Thania, Jasiel, Jacris, Ruth, Glis, Estelle, Diane, Savoeung, Linda, Ophthalee, Sheena, Debbie, Jessica(Football), Jessica, Jeanette, Kim, Rachelle #1,2, Saloni, Seromani, Sherri, Thania, Melody, Pam, Pebble, Angela(C), Angela(Gre), Basia, Meagan, Shipta, Nina, Nadine(N), Nadine(Blk), Prina(simile), Vanitha, Arti, Neha, Nurdan, Sylvia, Kareema, Dianna(Sher) Nicole, Angel, Johan, Riza, Emelly, Sandra, Sara, Priscilla #1,2, Nicki, Rachel #1,2,3, Star, Ruth, Amanda, Shipta, Nargis, Taylor, Chantelle, Stephanie(Janice), Stef(Giant), Stef(C), Stephanie(Denny's), Yvonne, Leia, Zonnelle, Zoma, Talisia, Janice(Denny's), Jill(so-silly), Dianne(A), Vinka, Cathy(homma), Karen(homma sista), Sheryll

And 2 all those people I left out whoops! Call me and I`ll make it up to ya.

DASOJOJA/inv*asian/Frixxion/I-V Singin' 4 Life!

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More Spooky-Angel Info


* Well... there's this girl...
* Music (R&B of course)
* Singin'
* People who can look me in the eye when we talk (that`s the only way I know they listen to me!)
* People who are honest I mean don`t act like you like me but you don`t
* Hangin out with my boyz
* Doing new exciting things
* Falling (the best feeling in the world!) don`t ask


* People who think they`re all that
* People who Over do the slang talk thing.
* Rock and Heavy Metal. Yuck! No offense to anyone
* People who drop by mah payge without taggin it! (Hint, Hint!)

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I should've put this up a long time ago...
I'd like to say that I regret that I never had
the chance to be close to my oldest sister.
I will still remember and think of you...
R.I.P. Sharron Joy Manzo
I know the pain of losing a sister, two sisters in a sense...
To my other sister, if you see this message,
I want you to know that I love ya and I'm not prepared
to lose another sister... If anything, I'll always support you,
and be the best brother I can be. You know how to reach me.