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RP Guild

The Role Players Guild was designed to link rpgs (SIMs and automatic games are also allowed) together and to help the Role Players and RPG owners in various ways. Also it is a place of fun where you can talk and perhaps find new friends. Anyone is allowed to add a game to the list, although duplicates will be deleted.

Even though it is not required, if you do own a site, please add a link to the guild. You can use the following code:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="RP Guild"></a>
It will appear as:
RP Guild

Copyrights And Credits

This site was created by Dragon Sage, and was designed to link RPGs together. Thanks to Voy Forums for the boards and Bravenet for some of the features and to the Animation Factory for the daisy graphic.

RPG Circle ALL The Weyrs of Pern: DRoP Directory and Fan Forum. RPGCollection