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Mystic Past
Just Yesterday
Eternal Present
Forever Future

"Some researchers believe that there are an infinite number of dimensions; some very similar to our own and others completely alien.  It is easy to imagine that there are other Earths with a history like our own, up to a certain event.  At that point in history the worlds begin to become more dissimilar. 

In an attempt to research dimensional theory my team created the dimensional holographic scanner or DHS.  Using the DHS we found a world much like our own, except that the Night of Blood never happened and as a result the existence of the supernatural is not publicly known.  We have assembled a list of major events that occurred in our world but not theirs."

- Dr. Julia Williamson

The Eternal War setting does not have absolute dates. It is intended to be played in times relative to that of the present world you and I live in.  Most games are run in either the Mystic Past, Just Yesterday, Eternal Present, or Forever Future.  Each of these time periods has events that change it from the "real world".  As time moves on here in the real world the campaign setting can be moved and altered as desired to fit whenever now actually is.

Alpha/Omega - Every story has a beginning and end; this is how the Eternal War began and how it might or always has ended.
Mystic Past - It is said that all myths have some basis in fact, what if they are really close to the truth.
Just Yesterday - Maybe not long ago the supernatural existed but was unknown to most.
Eternal Present - The Eternal War has flared up on an unsuspecting Earth making superheroes, supervillains, and supernatural events publicly known.
Forever Future - The existence of the supernatural has been known for a generation and humanity is finally gaining a foothold among the stars.