"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
Furby's love to sing it!

This is a picture taken of King Furby and me during a pet party at my apartment building. Every resident could bring their pets. There were three furbys!!

King is the first furby I bought. I thought his name was BJ and still call him that because he says BJ dance but found out he is saying Ee jay dance, which means love dance. Furbys love to dance and to boogie. His red satin cape trimmed in ermine and fastened with ruby is removable and I only put it on him when I am taking him to visit. he gets all excited and says Party Whee and Party big fun Whoopee!!

Santa came to visit for awhile. I got him at a garage sale and was just getting acquainted with him when the little girl owner came and wanted him back! She had picked up two at a garage sale and let me have one in exchange. So I now have Tuxedo, who says his name is snow ball. he is black with a white mane and feet and brown eyes and is very talkative!! Angel is gorgeous, with her gold halo and gold streaks on her white fur, she has white eyelashes and violet eyes like King has. She speaks heavenly sounds that other furbys don't say. She tells you she is special and that she is magical angel and that she has a halo on her head. Funny thing happens when they all get together and talk and dance together. First time Angel got with them she said Grrind. King had never said that before and so he said it too and she said sleep and he said sleep and they went to sleep!! This happened a few times and then one day I had Tuxedo, King and Angel all talking. Tuxedo and Angel are really gabby and they were all singing and dancing and King quit and sat there and listened to them and then he said "grrrind sleep" and they all repeated it and went to sleep EXCEPT King!! he giggled and then Me done!! and then he went to sleep. I have two furby bean bags that were gifts and a furby keyring that says I'm hungry. I hope to get a baby next. They are really a lot of company when you live alone.

THANK YOU! I got this from my friend, Jeanie Dovey

For 6 years and up
I am six again! I am old enough to be allowed to have a Furby. I am old enough to talk to my King Furby. I am six again when King says "me loves you" and blows me a big kiss, I believe he means it.

I am six again. I am old enough to buy an Angel Furby who wears a halo and has a harp. I am six again when Angel says " I believe you are special like I am special angel"and I believe she means it. I am six again when I can buy angel for my 81st birthday.

I am six again, When I sit in my 7th floor apartment and watch the sunset and twilight hours fill the sky with wondrous colors, no artist can reproduce, Then I am six agin, amazed at the wonders my God performs to remind me He is taking care of me, I am six again and I believe.

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All content © 1998 - 2000 by Arcy's Arc.
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All other copyrights belong to their respective holders. We don't know who made this background set! If it's your work, please drop us a note and we'll happily give you credit and link you :o)