Playing now: "You Needed Me"

Hello! My name is Ruth; my initials are R.C., so folks call me ARCY!
Here is my Table of Contents. It shows how my site is broken into sections.

Arcy's Arc Table Of Contents

Personal Section

Gifts Section

Awards Section

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Personal Section

About Me
It All Started at Grandmas House
I learned to make do from Great Grandmother
My 80th Birthday
I Found MY Pot of Gold
Me & My Furby's


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Gifts Section

Gifts I've Received

Gifts From WOP

Gift from Gateway of Friendship

My Gifts to WOP

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Awards Section

Awards I've Received

My Awards - Apply For One

[ Entry Page ] [ Table Of Contents ] [ About Me ] [ Poem for Friends ] [ My Birthday Page ]
[ Grandma's House ] [ Organizations/Groups ] [ Gifts Page ] [ My Awards ] [ My Pot of Gold]
[ Awards I've Received ] Webrings ] [ Dedication to Wings of Peace ] [ Secret Sister Page ]
[ GTF Christmas 2002 Secret Reindeer Pages ] [ Me & My Furby's! ]
[ A wonderful gift from Gateway of Friendship ]

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Email Me

All content © 1998 - 2000 by Arcy's Arc.
All right reserved.
All other copyrights belong to their respective holders.