Useless image for Navigator 4.x

Other Stuff

Miscellaneous info that didn't seem to fit anywhere else.

Missing Classmates

Help find our missing classmates.

Susan Alexander; Ralph Blair; Sheila Bonner; William Bunting; Terry Byrnes; Kelli Childres; Teresa Clewell; Scott Collins; Michael Conyers; Andrea Davis; Julia Engleman; Rita Everett; Barbara Folsom; Belinda Fragger; Cindy Fussell; Willie Gainer; Valerie Gilman; Walter Green; Rochelle Gyurnek; Leslie Hatcher; Regina Henderson; Dung Phuong Hoang; Yvette Hughley; Gerald Johnson; Garland Jones; Phuong Lam; Harriet Land; Sherry Lee; John Lowe; Louis Mallory; Caroline McLain; Michelle Mitchell; Joan Morgan; Thanh V. Nguyen; Tuan A. Nguyen; Rose Perkins; Barbara Pfeffer; George Poor; George Porter; Donna Price; Susan Ramie; Ronald Richardson; Valarie Robinson; Tonya Smith; David Stokes; Jennifer Straw; Wanda Tate; Sharon Turner; Wendy Ward; James Wood; Sharon Zediak

Page with photos of missing classmates.

Send any info to: Greg Hadaller at


Your comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome!

If you don't know who to send email to then...
Send email to

To contact someone about a reunion...
Ruth (Day) Berry (
Todd Bottorf (703-521-1019 or

To contact the maintainers of this web site...
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Text The text was generally written by Greg Hadaller . Where something is written someone else there is usually a by-line or a quotation.

Photos The photos have been gathered from various sources. See the ALT text of each photo for the photographer. (In most web browsers, you can hover the mouse over the photo and this text will pop-up.) The yearbook photos were scanned by David Anderson.

Images Unless otherwise noted, the images and graphics used on this site were created by Greg Hadaller.

Implementation These pages were put together by Greg Hadaller. They were designed and written by hand using a text editor (usually Emacs). The basic site layout is based on Greg Hadaller's personal web sites (

Home What's New 20 Year Reunion 10 Year Reunion Scrapbook Other Stuff

Last Page Update: 02 January 2001