The role of fish in Lake Kinneret ecology

by R. Landau, 351/14 Yefeh Nof St., Safad 13403, Israel. E-mail:



Since the 1960's, Lake Kinneret has supplied ~1/4 of Israel's water, including water for domestic purposes. However, by the mid-1970's limitations in its usage were apparent. Serruya & Pollingher (1977) described the deleterious effect on water quality of a drop in lake level to -211.8 in 1973 due to poor rains (the lake is 209 m below sea level when full).

On the basis of theory as well as observation the 'red line' was set at -212 m, i.e. the level below which water quality would be noticeably affected. Nevertheless, lake level was allowed to drop close to -213 m in l990 and again in 1991. One of the resulting ecological changes was a sudden expansion of the dominant fish population, the cyprinid Mirogrex terraesanctae, known as the lavnun or Kinneret sardine.

Lowering of lake level has drastic ecological consequences for L. Kinneret because of its inner contours: from a narrow littoral zone, the lake bottom descends steeply to the depths (maximum depth < 40 m). Therefore, removal of water has greater impact on volume than on surface area, so that heat transfer is increased, stimulating processes that release phosphates from the sediments (ibid). Usually, the dominant alga of L. Kinneret is Peridinium, which thrives in phosphorus-poor environments and is not a pollution problem. The more troublesome organisms, small algae and toxic blue-greens, increase in biomass and duration when lake level falls to -212 m or lower.

Concurrently, there is bound to be an increase of organic matter and its breakdown products in the water column (ibid; Hambright et al, 1997). This is a public-health problem because some of the breakdown products are carcinogenic. Also, without adequate filtration to remove organic matter, chlorination must be increased, again raising carcinogens in the domestic water supply.

In lakes and rivers throughout the world there are cyprinids that form dense populations when conditions are favorable, and like Mirogrex terraesanctae these species tend to be difficult subjects for growth studies. Since age and growth data are basic to the assessment of fish populations and their impact on the environment, problems of age determination are stressed in this presentation. In this respect, the population explosion of the Kinneret sardine was providential, as it occurred when older, larger specimens were scarce, so that growth of the young could be traced by year-to-year changes in modal size. Growth studies were also facilitated by the 'dilul' or 'thinning' project that removed 'under-sized' specimens.

After lowering of the water level, the commercially valuable catch of Tilapia (Sarotherodon) galilaea, amnun hagalil or musht, fell from a peak of 500 T/a to 110 T in 2001; less than 100 T is expected in 2003. Analysis of trends in T. galilaea stock size since the 1940's indicate that eutrophicaton is a primary factor.  The impacts of changes in Mirogrex biomass, stocking of tilapia fingerlings, and extant of the littoral are examined.

Kinneret research is largely sponsored by the same government bodies that manage the lake; nevertheless, until the mid-1980's, work was objective and on a high standard, as recognized internationally. Difficulties arose when the authorities decided to enlarge storage capacity and usage of L. Kinneret by lowering the 'red line' from -212 m. to -213 m, requiring a new definition of the 'red line'. Drought and a complex of economic and political factors have brought water level down to -214m, dubbed 'the new new red line'. Att the time of writing (September 2001) it is clear that this 'red line' will soon be breached; a decision was made to set the 'red line' at -215.5 m.  Update, 2003:  Lowest level in 2001 was -214.87 m; lowest level in 2002, -214.42 m.

I do not presume to comment on this policy. My intention is to reveal suppressed data and counter misinformation arising from the tendency of research results to support government policy. 

Presented herein are unpublished data on the expansion of the Mirogrex population in the 1990's  These and other data on biomass changes in the Mirogrex stock illustrate how cyprinids indicate organic pollution and also serve as alleviating factors.

About the author

Born and educated in Canada (B.Sc. McGill Univ., 1951; M.A. Univ. of Toronto, 1953), my first research was on speciation of blackflies, by mapping their salivary gland chromosomes. Employed by the Israel Dept. of Fisheries from 1962 to 1972 to study tuna and sardine species, I delineated sub-stocks of Sardinella aurita    by means of morphometric and growth parameters as well as spacial and seasonal distribution. One of these races disappeared from Israel’s coast after Egypt’s Aswan High Dam went into operation  (see  A low assessment of the ‘palamida’ stock (little tuna, Euthynnus alleteratus) dissuaded investment in this fishery.

From 1972 to 1988 I was employed by Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research (IOLR) to assess Lake Kinneret fish stocks and delineate their role in the ecosystem. Publications in Hebrew and English deal mainly with Mirogrex terraesanctae (lavnun or Kinneret sardine) and Sarotherodon (Tilapia) galilaeus (see T. galilaea webpage and  references).


 Misinformation and suppressed data on Lake Kinneret ecology

Listed below are some examples of distorted information on phytoplankton and on the Kinneret sardine.  Reported changes in these populations obscure their connection to the increased eutrophy resulting from lowering of  lake level.

Not all Kinneret research is obscurant.  Parparov (1994) found that oxygen depletion rates in the period 1969 - 1991 tended to increase with lowering of Kinneret water level.  He attributed this trend to a combination of factors including a 'sharp increase of internal load by autochthonous suspended  organic matter with high specific oxygen demand'.

Comparing Lake Kinneret to Lake Sevan in Armenia Parparov & Hambright (1996) noted that increased fish production is a predictable outcome of lowering of lake level, as well as deterioration in water quality.

Berman et al (1998) describe the stable pattern of seasonal succession of phytoplankton populations that lasted many years, and the drastic changes since 1994.  The characteristic Peridinium (dinoflagellate) blooms of late winter- early spring intensified in 1994 and 1995, but disappeared in later years.  Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), generally unimportant in earlier years, became prominent. Massive blooms of the toxic blue-green alga Aphanizomenon  were first observed in 1994 and have appeared sporadically in late summers since then. 

However, like most authors dealing with Kinneret ecology, Berman et al (1998) suppress the lake-level-connection. They attribute phytoplankton changes mainly to inflow of nutrients and/or growth factors, but no evidence of increased input since 1994 is presented, and changes in water level are not mentioned.

Dealing with the impact of increased nutrient load in L. Kinneret, Gophen (Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research internal report T8/2003) was apparently unimpressed by the mininum water level  in 2002, -214.42 m (the legal 'red line' was -215.5 m).  He advised  'lake load reduction by pumping water for supply'. 

 Hambright et al (1997) noted that lowering of water level  increased availability of phosphorus, while Hadas et al, 1999 and others reported that phosphorus is critically important for the development  of blue-green algae.  The obvious connection of water level to toxic algae was not mentioned by these authors.

In a publication by N. Abulafia & R. Amir intended for high school biology teachers (Alon l'morei biologiah 151, Hebrew University, 1997) the Aphanizomenon blooms of 1994 and 1995 are attributed mainly to the ability of this organism to utilize atmospheric nitrogen.  Increased availability of phosphorus is also recognized as an essential factor; decomposing Peridinium is considered by these authors to be its source.  This article, based on Gophen & Nishri's paper 'Blooms of blue-green algae in Kinneret' (Ecologia v'sviva 4:1, 1997), does not mention the lowering of lake level or its effect on phosphorus availability. 

On the basis of other scientific authorities, the Water Commissioner's Office informed the public that toxic algae in the lake are mainly due to influxed nutrients from cowsheds and fertilizers (The Jerusalem Post, Feb. ll, 2003 and other newspaper reports).  This implies a rise in pollution from agricultural sources since the 1990's; there is no evidence of such a change. 


Nearly every aspect of the life history and population dynamics of the Kinneret sardine has been 'revised' since 1990.

The lavnun population is regarded as detrimental to water quality due to its predation on zooplankton (Gophen, 1995 & others). Well-known stabilizing effects of predation on the ecosystem are not mentioned, nor the possibility that eutrophic conditions may alter food preferences.

The lavnun is familiar to fishermen for ages as a substrate spawner in both deep and shallow water, but Gafny et al, 1992 and others recognize only inshore spawning. A reduction in the sardine population was expected to follow the receding shoreline.

Ostrovsky & Walline (1999) suppress data indicating slow growth of the lavnun (see Mirogrex growth).

Fisheries data have been widely accepted as evidence of biomass fluctuation in the sardine stock (Gophen & Landau, 1977; Reich, 1978; Landau, Walline & Gophen, 1988; Gophen & Threlkeld, 1989; Landau, 1991 and others). As an expansion in the order of ten times between the 1950's and the 1980's is indicated (Landau, 1991), there can be little doubt that changes in natural abundance far outweigh error due to methodology.

However, when Walline et al, 1992  published their acoustic assessment of pelagic fish in L. Kinneret, they dismissed the time-honored use of fisheries data in stock assessment as complicated by "…market effects on catch and difficulties in estimating effort…". Henceforth, all estimates of the lavnun stock (other than Landau estimates) vary between 1000 and 5000 T (Walline et al, 1992; Pisanti & Shapiro, 1997; Ostrovsky & Walline, 1999).  In contrast, a peak biomass of  ~20,000 T in the mid-1980's was estimated by conventional methods of stock assessement which include age & mortality estimates as well as catch & effort data (Landau, 1991;  WebPage Mirogrex biomass). 

Acoustic monitoring of pelagic fish in L. Kinneret is based on counts of fish, divided into size categories; the most important category, 10 - 20 cm, encompasses the Mirogrex commercial stock. Biomass is estimated by multiplying number by mean weight in each category.  Instead of estimating mean weight from observations Walline et al (1992) assigned  the same value  to all years from 1981 to 1990.  In effect, they assigned stability to the Mirogrex population, in contradiction to the wide fluctuations in size distribution that were observed from 1981 to 1990 (Davidoff, 1982; Landau, 1991).

In 1993, two years after lake level was lowered to ~ -213m for the first time, massive quantities of 8 - 10 cm lavnun  began to  appear, and the 'dilul' (thinning) project was initiated as a remedy for the damage supposedly inflicted on water quality by the fish  (Gophen, 1995; Pisanti & Shapiro, 1997; Ostrovsky & Walline, 1999 and others).  However,  acoustic estimates of lavnun, a few thousand tonnes, are so low that the fish would hardly have an impact on zooplankton, presumed to be the main food of the lavnun.  The 'dilul' project continues, year after year, to the time of this update, 2003.

The Kinneret Authority has kept accurate records of  'dilul' catch and effort by the 3 units operating.  These data indicate a fish biomass much higher than in the mid-1980's when peak catches were taken.  In any stable fish stock, juveniles constitute a small part of total biomass; therefore, the massive increase in  small sardines in the 1990's was indeed a population explosion.

According to Berman et al (1998) there were no reliable estimates of Kinneret fish populations until 1988 when routine acoustic surveyal began; other estimates are considered unreliable due to 'highly dubious effort records'. On the contrary, acoustic estimates are virtually meaningless due to the data manipulation described above, and to high sample variance. Partial detection of the stock in each sampling trip can account for this variance and also for the low numbers observed.

Some researchers regard the study of fish populations more as a political excercise than as scientific work.  Replacement of conventional stock assessment by acoustic surveyal is politically expedient since the higher (and more reliable) estimates indicate a great increase in organic matter in the water column.  By suppressing this information researchers have obscured the consequences of management policy.

The potential impact of organic pollution on lavnun stock size was demonstrated in the mid-1980's by studies on food and distribution of fish larvae (Landau et al, 1988 , Mirogrex biomass).   Earlier, in dealing with the effect of organic matter on water quality, Serruya and Pollingher, (1977)  made no mention of fish populations, probably because fish were not regarded as ecologically important in the 1970's.

However, even after the lavnun population explosion, Hambright et al, 1997 failed to mention fish stocks, while confirming the earlier hypothesis (of Serruya & Pollingher) on effects of low lake level on water quality. 

While the lavnun population is either ignored or grossly underestimated, it is also blamed for deterioration of water quality due to its consumption of zooplankton which is regarded as the main cleaning agent.  The webpage Mirogrex biomass changes presents data showing sardine biomass in the 1990's to be so far in excess of zooplankton that other food sources must be postulated, - smaller organisms and lake snow.  Thus, in eutrophic and hypertrophic conditions, fish are more important than zooplankton as cleaning agents.

The Israeli public is well aware of L. Kinneret's receding shoreline and the increased danger of drowning due to deep water and strong currents close to shore. But the term 'water quality' is usually assumed to refer to taste or salt content. The media never use the 'C-word', as far as I know, in respect to Kinneret water. Oft-used phrases such as 'water quality' or 'irreversible damage to the lake's ecosystem' have little meaning because essential information is missing. This explains, at least in part, the reluctance to accept water saving measures in spite of a barrage of pronouncements on the ongoing water crisis.

Mirogrex growth

Mirogrex biomass changes

The 'dilul' project

Tilapia galilaea biomass changes
