Any body have a Sesshoumaru question? Ask me! I will tell you the answer straight out or my explanation of it. I will put other people's questions and put them up so you people don't annoy the heck out of me. (>_<)

Also, I may offend some people in here, so just be forwarned.

1.) What is that fluffy thing wrapped around Sesshoumaru's right shoulder?

Well! Some people say it's his tail or boa. Others say its very long arm pitt hair. You idiots! If anybody goes to my fanart section, you will see a picture of Sesshoumaru in his true form. Wrapped around him is a big tuff of fur that is longer than all of his other fur. I think that some full demons have part of their true demon form in their human appearance. To support my "theory" I have three demons.
a. Sesshoumaru=his fur
b. Shippo=his tail
c. Myouga=his little "nose" thing and his legs
d. Inuyasha's ears

2.) How long do demons live?

I don't know the straight answer but my guess is that for every 10 human years, demons only age 1. The only support I have is:
a. Shippo: he looks about 5-6 years old but you later learn that he's over 50 years. "." Spoiler!!!

3.) Why did Sesshoumaru save Rin?
I believe Fluffy saved Rin because mainly, she tried to help him not knowing that he wouldn't kill her. I also think that when he asked her about her face, and she smiled, he felt that he wanted to know more about human emotions and/or emotions altogether. Or maybe he felt good about seeing her smile and wanted her to smile again. :D (I am not indicating a Rin/Sess pairing here, I think that pairing is gross, no offense if you like it). No one knows the complete truth about Inuyasha except the wonderful author of course.

4.) How tall is Sesshoumaru?
Well, relative to Kagome (if she was around 5 feet tall) He would place around six foot two to four. This is based on the picture with all of them standing together.

5.) How old is Sesshoumaru?
Well, I don't really know, but due to #2, if he were around 20 human years, I figure him to be 200 or so years old.

6.) Who does Sesshoumaru love?
I really don't know. He obviousl cares for Jaken and Rin. However, later in the series, he and Kagura seem to be a little... close...

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