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Ty's Extra Credit Board!

These people have exhibited uncommon knowledge, done mw a favor, or were speedy typists or... well, could be anything, because I'm a bit crazy sometimes. :P

The board is in alphabetical order - this prevents any assumed "favoritism" towards people for being at the top of the list, or for having more points. There's a reason I gave people points. I didn't just go "oh, you're nice, have a star *stick*."

I have tried to make a note of what each star is for, but sometimes my notes weren't so clear as to why they had them. *shrug*

I have awarded three points for each unclaimed "Ryslen Gift Certificate"... Which means that (until I change it) "" is redeemable for a dragon. You'll have to email me for details. *nod*

As far as I know, there's only one Extra Credit "game" that I don't have points on this board for. It was a rules-question, and involved song lyrics. You'll have to email me with the name and title (or lyrics fragment) to claim your point, because I don't have those candidate forms anymore, and I don't remember what clutch(es) it was for -- but I remember the song. *sage nod*

Last Updated: 5-28-06
NameExtraCredit Points
AngeoriaRHPS Lyrics
Dracothrope(coloring 05 Flurries for 05 Flurry Help)
JKatRHPS Lyrics
Keilin AlyrRHPS Lyrics
Myrror( 05 Flurry Help)
NeishaiGCGCGC (TGS 05 Flurry Quote)
PhoenixRHPS Lyrics (TGS 05 Flurry quote) (coloring 05 Flurries 05 Flurry Help)
Rachael/Ashenpaw(TGS 05 Flurry quote)
Rhiannonwarm fuzzies
Shard( 05 Flurry Quote)
SherraRyslen Poses (tgs 05 Flurry quote) (coloring 05 Flurries 05 Flurry Help)
Kim ShiolarGCGCGCGCGCGC (TGS 05 Flurry quote) (coloring 05 Flurries 05 Flurry help)

Star 'stickers' filched from familyinternet.about.com. Heh.

© TyGryph / Ryslen