Feargth & Sarlo'Alakuth


It came to pass that Sarlo'Alakuth began to dread the beginning of each new day. He also dreaded 'graduation' from training - when he and the other dragons who hatched the same day would be 'free' to go out into the world(s) and do what they needed to do. That would mean that he and Feargth would be heading for Ryslen -- Feargth would stubbornly go there whether or not Sarlo' went, especially because he would not let his pride be deminished by letting Sarlo'Alakuth chase him away from Ryslen. As for Sarlo', he would go because he'd said upon breaking free from his shell that he would go to Ryslen. There was nothing holding him to that, save himself. He would go to Ryslen, keep his word, and face his fears -- his 'friend' Feargth.


Feargth was all settled in at Ryslen. He had a nice weyr - nidulus, they liked to call them here - and a nice wide ledge he could sun on. And he didn't have to share any of it unless he wanted to. And he didn't.
When his former friend Sarlo'Alakuth came kiting into Ryslen, Feargth didn't acknowledge his presence. He didn't have to, and he most certainly didn't want to. He watched angrily as Sarlo' chose a weyr in the cool shadowy section, not quite far enough away for Feargth, but it would do.
Feargth stepped off his ledge and flew lazily to the feeding grounds. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he felt like a snack. With strong paws, he snatched up a wherry unaware, and landed on the long ledge above the feeding grounds where a number of dragons prefered to eat their kills. It was also, to Feargth's delighted discovery, an ideal spot to watch two lovely females cavorting in the lake. He knew they were almost ready to rise. He could smell it in the air... oh yes...
So... um... you're interested in Narwyn, huh? A familiar and wholly unwelcome voice came from off to one side.
Feargth whipped his head around and snarled at Sarlo'Alakuth. So maybe I am! It's none of Your business!
Sarlo' had expected his overture to be poorly accepted. At least he was trying to be civil with his 'friend.' A number of Ryslen folks somewhat expected that the two dragons from Darkling Dawn would be friendly towards each other, if not outright friends. But they weren't. And judging by Feargth's reaction, they probably wouldn't ever be friends again.
Don't you go thinking of chasing her. Feargth warned.
And if I do? Sarlo' snapped back without thinking. He was getting a bit miffed, and was just reacting.
I'll make you wish you'd Never Hatched. Feargth snarled, making a lunge at the silver-black with jaws bloodied from the wherry.
Sarlo'Alakuth flew off the ledge, saving his hide from injury. But he was angry and he now knew that what the weyrbrats said was entirely true: Revenge was a dish best served piping hot!

Feargth didn't bother to think about the most recent fight with Sarlo'Alakuth. He put it so far out of his mind that Uthnath and Narwyn's flight was almost upon him before he remembered to get someone to put his name on the flight list to chase both of them. He was certain he had the strength and stamina to win them both. Unbeknownst to him, Sarlo' had already signed up for both their flights, intent on showing up his brown 'friend.' He might not have the strength of the brown, but he was faster and much more agile, and that might just make up the difference.

Sarlo'Alakuth and Feargth are chasing Uthnath and Narwyn at Ryslen.

Their Flight(s)

Excerpts from the flight (Written by Efellai):
Narwyn rises...

Dogging every wingbeat, Feargth was in the lead, with Sarlo’Alakuth his furious shadow. Directly behind them was blue Solath, wings whirring. Petath and Pratibhas both opted to take a wider angle, flying on the outside of the pack. Foldelesth flew high, not trusting himself to dodge if the leaders fouled each other’s path. Shantak and Rufulth had been the farthest from her on the ground, and now were fighting furiously to gain air on her.

Narwyn was a fair-sized dragoness, and she didn’t indulge in the aerobatics that a slighter female might have. She flew with the steady wingbeat that suggested she could keep it up for hours. Narwyn was the Point of the search-and-rescue Talon, and she trained them for stamina. She was not as swift as a green, flying this way, but she was fast enough to make them all sweat.

Sarlo’Alakuth, however, was faster. Instead of hanging by Feargth’s tail, he drew even with his ex-friend, and began to pass him. The Darkling Dawn brown, his eyes whirling red, lunged at his smaller clutchmate. You are not going to win! Feargth snarled, raking with vengeful talons at the other dragon’s silvery hide. Sarlo’Alakuth shrieked in pain and surprise. Tempers lost, the two dragons who had once been friends clung to each other in the air, each trying to inflict the maximum amount of damage.

* * *

and when Uthnath rises...

The much-battered Sarlo’Alakuth and Feargth were chasing again, but they had expended their fury on each other. They didn’t have the sharpness required to catch the switchback, nor the agility to imitate it. They got in each other’s way and fell back, squabbling even in their defeated descent.

Follow Feargth           Follow Sarlo'Alakuth

Last Updated: 8-28-04

Darkling Dawn