This was written in the space of approximately ten minutes shortly after I received an email from the FFN Mods notifying me that my story "Witching Hour" had been banned from the site due to "inappropriate material that exceeds the rating."
Which sent me straight into a full-blown rant that would make Foamy proud......
FFN Rant -or- Why FanFiction.Net Should Burn in H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks
Okay, today I got a notice from Apparently one of my stories "doesn't follow their guidelines for proper ratings."

Which is a gigantic crock of shit.

Allow me to explain.

A while back, FFN banned all stories with NC-17 ratings because there were apparently a lot of complaints about them. Personally, I think it was more complaints about really lousy writing, but that's just my opinion. Subsequently, they've also banned stories in script or screenplay format, lists, MSTs, explicit lemons, and most stories featuring original characters. I even heard a rumor they were thinking of banning all yaoi material, but that was never substantiated.

Soon after these new guidelines were in place, the decent writers started pulling their work off the site, leaving nothing but the crappy wannabe pre-adolescent ramblings of the younger folk. Mind you, some of them were good, but most of them sucked dirty donkey balls.

I left my material up anyway, seeing as I had a good number of reviews for most of them and it was a convenient place to showcase my work for free. Nothing was over an R rating and even the R-rated material was pretty tame compared to some of the things I've seen in the darker corners of that site.

Pokemon porn, anyone? Brrrr... *shudders* >.<

I DID write a yaoi lemon (there I said it, now shut the fuck up) and I thought it was a halfway-decent one. Nothing explicit, everything very metaphorical. I didn't even use names of body parts, for crying out loud. It was on the site for several months and then some random Friday, they decide it's too explicit for the rating.

Dude, there was NOTHING in there you wouldn't find in an R-rated movie. Nudity, sex, yaoi, swearing, blah blah blah adult content blah blah blah leave the kids at home. And hey, I warned everybody in the frickin' summary AND in the liner notes for each chapter at the TOP OF THE FUCKING PAGE.

So if they had a problem with it subsequent to that, fuck em in the ear with a hog-nosed viper.

It's. Not. My. Problem.

And come on, a little yaoi lemon pie has GOT to be better than Ash takin' it up the ass from a two-foot-tall electric yellow rat.

So in closing, FFN sucks skanky diseased monkey nuts through twenty feet of quarter inch garden hose and if I ever get the urge to post my work there again, somebody please shoot me.

That is all.
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