This is Ants and Doms favourite band so it comes to no surprise that they are a major influence.  We believe they are one of the best punk rock bands of all time with their own views on the government and how wrong the world really is.  They won't release any videos to TV channels or songs to radio stations so they go against the "Band" stereotype.  They are also an amazing live act, as some of you may remember from Reading/Leeds 2003 and the download festival 2003.  Combining humour with important issues has made them big in the punk world.  This band proves that you don't need a great singer to make it.
Best albums:  Ribbed, Punk in drublic, Pump up the Valuum, White trash, The Decline, The war on errorism, S+M Airlines, 45 or 46 songs..., The Longest Line EP, basically all their stuff kicks serious ass.
System Of A Down System of a down are a great heavy band and although our music isn't quite like the sound they make we still think they are excellent.  This is Adam's personal favourite band so they deserve to be put on our influences page.  Also, Ant went through a phase when he was obsessed with them!  Best Album of the 2:  Ad still thinks the first album is the best but both modern albums are still good.
Fat Mike
Bad Religion
The Offspring
The Offspring are the first punk rock band that sort of got us into this style of music.  For a while, Dom thought they were the only good band on the planet!  Seriously, all their songs are excellent although they are very similar.  Dexter has a great voice and the lyrics to their songs are very meaningful, Noodles on the 2nd guitar is talented also.  These are still our no.1 band to see live in concert.  Best albums: Americana, Conspiracy of one, Smash.
Dexter Holland
Greg Graffin
Bad Religion are one of the best punk bands of all time,  their lyrics are amazing and the songs are all good, and very catchy.  One of my favourite quotes is from Greg himself:
"Punk is the personal expression of uniqueness that comes from the experiences of growing up in touch with our human ability to reason and ask questions".
This Irish based band influenced me the most and even though they aren't very alternative they are still very talented at writing songs that are catchy and clever.  Even though the rest of the band don't like them, I do.
Their old stuff is good especially.  Where the streets have no name..
Rancid are another huge punk band that Ant has been influenced by, due to the fact that Matt Freeman can play bass so fast and literally all over the place but still makes it sound good.  Check out "Maxwell Murder" to see what i mean.  They have side projects like Tim's The Transplants and have now moved to a major label, but hopefully they can still make great punk music.  Listen to the "And out come the wolves" album.
A Fire Inside are an amazing punk band that used to be underground until the release of their latest album on a major label.  At the end of the day, despite their lead singer being the ugliest thing on Earth, they are very melodic and fast, even if you sometimes can't make out what they are singing.
A Fire Inside
Muse are probably the best british rock band. They have long original songs and are a really talented band, the vocals are very unique and almost opera-like.  With only three of them, it shows that quality can sometimes beat quantity.  Some riffs are amazing and they also use a wide variety of instruaments to create new sounds.  Namely, the piano used in some of their songs sets them apart from many rock bands today that all sound similar.  We look forward to their new album.
Lars Frederikson and  Tim Armstrong
Matt Bellamy + co.