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How You Can Get Involved

You can volunteer

    Morning Program - Monday - Friday 7-9 am

    Summer Program - June 10 - August 23, 2002 - Monday -Friday 12-5 pm

Volunteer for any part of the week, even just an hour a week


    Money - Make Check to Safe Haven for Teens - mail it to the address below

    Food, Drinks (Juice, HC, Pop)

    Food Supplies (cups, napkins, paper products)

    Art supplies, Computers, Musical instruments, Games

Help with Fund Raising Activities


Bless you,

Elizabeth Grace Lueking, Director
Amanda Krodel, Assistant Director

And if he finds the missing sheep, he is happier about that one sheep then about the
ninety-nine that did not wander off.
In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones
should be lost. (Matthew 18:10-14)

Safe Haven for Teens
1757 Mills Avenue
Norwood, Ohio 45212
513-396-7202 Ext. 503

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