Saints and Seasons

This list covers all personalities – officially declared saints or otherwise – mentioned in Saints and Seasons. A bold entry indicates an article (or more than one) devoted chiefly to that person, while a light-face entry indicates a reference in another article. To facilitate the alphabetical nature of this list, the word Saint or St is omitted.


Alban (first Christian martyr in Britain).

Andrew (Apostle and martyr).

Anselm (controversial Archbishop of Canterbury, father of Scholasticism).

Augustine (first Archbishop of Canterbury).

Becket, Thomas (Archbishop of Canterbury and martyr): here and here.

Benedict of Nursia (father of Western monasticism, patron saint of Europe, founder of Monte Cassino).

Bonhöffer, Dietrich (witness against Hitler, executed).

Boniface (Apostle to Germany and martyr).

Catherine of Siena (ascetic, patron saint of Italy).

Chacour, Elias: Christ’s compatriot”, “The Mountain of Light”, “Get up, go ahead, do something”.

Cranmer, Thomas (Archbishop of Canterbury and martyr): here and here.

Cyril (Apostle to the Slavs, Bible translator).

Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist): here and here.

Francis of Assisi (ascetic, founder of the Franciscan Order, missionary and patron saint of Italy).

George (martyr and patron saint).

Gray, Robert (first Anglican Bishop of Cape Town): The post-cart bishop”, “The Pope of Cape Town”.

Gray, Sophy (née Wharton Myddleton, wife of Robert Gray).

Gregory the Great (Pope).

Helena (mother of the Emperor Constantine).

Ignatius (bishop, writer of letters to 2nd-century churches, martyr in the Colosseum).

Isherwood, Cecile (known as Mother Cecile, foundress of the Order of the Resurrection of Our Lord, education pioneer).

John the Baptist: (“The Messiah’s forerunner”, Part 1 and Part 2).

John the Evangelist.

Joseph (husband of Mary the mother of Jesus): here and here.

Judas Maccabeus (leader of Jewish revolt, 1st century BC).

van der Kemp, Johannes: Missionary among the Caffres and Hottentots”, “Father of Bethelsdorp”.

Kennedy, Geoffrey Studdert (Woodbine Willie) (Anglican vicar, chaplain and popular evangelist).

Khanyile, Maqhamusela (Zulu convert and martyr).

Kolbe, Maximilian (religious and martyr at Auschwitz).

Latimer, Hugh (Church reformer and bishop, martyr under Mary I).

Llull, Ramon (missionary to the Moors and martyr).

Luke (Apostle and Evangelist, the “beloved physician”).

Mark (Apostle and Evangelist).

Martin of Tours (pacifist in the Roman Army and pioneer missionary bishop): here and here.

Mary (mother of Jesus): also here, here, here and here.

Masemola, Manche (convert and martyr in Sekhukhuniland).

McNutt, Francis (priest with healing ministry).

Methodius (Apostle to the Slavs, Bible translator, deviser of the Cyrillic alphabet).

Michael (principal archangel).

Mizeki, Bernard (martyr in Mashonaland): here” and “here”.

Monica (mother of Augustine of Hippo).

More, Thomas (martyr under Henry VIII).

Nestorius (controversial preacher, Bishop of Constantinople, forced into schism over doctrine).

Nicholas of Myra (bishop, reputed miracle worker, the original Santa Claus).

Ntsikana (prophet among the amaXhosa).

Patrick (Apostle to the Irish and patron saint).

Polycarp (Bishop of Smyrna and martyr).

Read, James: (London Missionary Society official on the eastern frontier of the Cape Colony) here and here.

Ridley, Nicholas (Church reformer and bishop, martyr under Mary I).

Savonarola, Girolamo (prophetic preacher in Renaissance Florence, falsely convicted of heresy, burned at the stake).

Stein, Edith (martyr of Auschwitz).

Stephen (the first Christian martyr).

Stockdale, Henrietta (nun and nursing pioneer in South Africa).

Thomas (Apostle, reputed missionary to India).

Tyndale, William (Bible translator and martyr).

Valentine (bishop and martyr).

Wenceslas (ruler and patron saint of Bohemia, martyr).

Wesley, John and Charles (Anglican evangelists; founders of the Methodist Church).

Wilberforce, William (parliamentarian and moral reformer, champion of slaves).

Willibrord (Apostle to the Netherlands).

Xavier, Francis (missionary in the Orient and patron saint of missions).

Zachariah (father of John the Baptist): here and here.

South Africa South Africa

God bless South Africa


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