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The Little Shop of Horrors (1960): 5/10

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the Internet Movie Database
In the non-musical original, klutz Seymour Krelboyne is played with a right bumblingness by Jonathan Haze. He works at Mushnick's Flowers along with Audrey (Jackie Joseph, who I don't think is as good as Ellen Greene) and Mr. Mushnick himself (Mel Welles). Seymour finds a new plant and tries to feed it, but it's sick. Nevertheless, it's like nothing anyone has ever seen. After pricking his finger by accident, Seymour finds out that Audrey Jr. (the plant) likes blood. Soon he gets in over his head.

It's a fine movie, a couple laughs here and there, but I liked the comedy-musical-horror version of the new one more. It did start off immediately and went quickly (of course, it's 70 minutes long).

Look for Jack Nicholson as a masochistic dental patient. As I look at what I've written, it's not much, but there isn't really much else to say except that it has cheesy special effects but is still enjoyable.

Not Rated

Review Date: November 28, 2002