This is my version of the Garage. 

I made this garage with one back and one side wall, leaving two open walls for better viewing.  In this side view photo, you can see how damp the walls are - half the plaster is falling off.  But the shiny floor belies the decrepit state of the garage - however, I will use the excuse that it has been recently re-surfaced and painted with a glossy floor paint and the rest is in the process of renovation.  My husband's comment about this garage is - "It looks like a garage - full of rubbish already".  
Starting from the top down.  There is a narrow shelf along the top of the tool board that holds some tins of paint, oil and other goodies that are not often used.  The tool board is a piece of thick cork that I found somewhere on my travels - I didn't even have to cut it to size.  The clock on the top right hand corner of the tool board is a pic cut from an advert glued onto a piece of stiff card and framed with some narrow corrugated card and painted green.  The tools themselves are an assortment gleaned from various sources - some are Action Man, Max Steel and other generic doll accessories and some are from the Dollhouse Emphorium.  A lot of keyring adornments found their way to this garage.  All the glues on the bench are advert cut outs glued onto matboard.  The little ice-cream tubs are actually butter tubs that airlines use. 
The workbench was made from a scrap of wood I found around it had a whole lot of holes drilled into it - some one was either practising or using it as a base to protect another surface.  Anyway, I covered the whole thing with my favourite balsa wood.  The back of the bench is supported by a beam bolted to the wall and the front is supported by legs made from electrical piping. 
I have put some left over carpeting squares under the bench as well as the rubbish bin and two cabinet windows that were removed from the lounge when Ken renovated.  The yellow oil can is actually from a larger doll accessory set - used to have a label on it that said Corn Oil.  The plastic paint tins were my daughter's idea - plastic film roll cannisters cut down, wrapped with some masking tape and dribbled with paint spills - we will get round to putting paint labels on them sometime.  The other paint tins are Humbrol Paint tins. 
The fencing materials in the left corner are some plastic vegetable bag material, the wire outer covering from a truck airfilter and some rollerblind offcut (if you look at my
Garden Diorama, you will see how I used it).  The large electrical wire reel is really part of a fishing reel.  The road cones come from various sources of toy packs and the garden pots from a plant nursery - oh, yes, the seed tray next to the white pot plant is an upturned "Lego" type brick.  Just out of sight in the above photograph is a ladder made from Mecanno set pieces. 
As usual I have added and changed more in this diorama since these pics were taken, so I will upload accordingly. 
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