
2006 ~ 2005 ~ 2004 ~ 2003 ~ 2002 ~ 2001 ~ 2000


Sunday, July 2, 2006

   New photos in the Friends section!  Huzzah!

Friday, May 19, 2006 - I've not really liked the site URL for a while, so I finally got off my duff and moved it wholesale.  Maybe one day I'll move off of Geocities, but really there's not much point paying for webspace when I use it for as little as I do...

   Anyway I'm sure I'll keep fiddling for a bit longer.  I need new photos, that's my next priority.

Saturday, May 13, 2006 - Everything is outdated.  So, I am updating stuffs.  That's about all there is to it.

   Apparently my guestbook was infested with parasites, too.  What a pain.

   I predict this whirlwind mass-update to burn out in about two days or so.




Friday, October 21, 2005 - No overwhelming reason for updating, just hadn't done so for a while.  That and I got bored waiting for our Internet provider to come and set us up in the new apartment.

   There's a new Wheel of Time book out.  I've fiddled with that page a bit.  More to come, as inspiration strikes.

Thursday, May 5, 2005 - Disney Photos as promised!  The whole lot of 'em is currently residing in a Yahoo! photo-album, but I'll eventually pick the cream of the crop and add them to the good ol' Shutterfly albums.

   Also, now that we've got that new mini-review blog going, I'm retiring the old Ratings Section.  I've been really good about adding a review for each movie I've seen, so it's just redundant at this point.

   A couple of new links, as usual.  Really I shouldn't even have to say that any longer.

Monday, March 20, 2005 - Just fiddling with stuff; it'd been awhile since I did anymore than change the "Link of the Whenever" and add movies to the Ratings Section.  

   In bright news, I'm doing (mini) movie reviews again - check out the Reviews Section for more info on that.  More pictures to come sometime, probably, since I'm going to Disney World for my birthday...  ~grin~




Sunday, October 24, 2004 -  Rumour has it - and mind you, this may or may not be true - but there might be a different Q&A section up on the "myself" page.  More as it develops.

Thursday, September 2, 2004 -  I finally decided that the Photos Page setup I had going was far too much work for the return, so I've outsourced it to a little photo-sharing site called Shutterfly.  It doesn't quite have as much of a "personal" touch to it as I would like, but it's a lot easier to update and maintain, so there you have it.

Sunday, May 30, 2004 - Just a bit more playing about with frames. FrontPage might stick the most useless code imaginable in my site sometimes, but I'll be darned if they didn't have a layout that was exactly what I was looking for.

   I had somehow eliminated that "slow-scroll" problem I'm having with the front page here, but it's mysteriously back now (sometimes). If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.

Monday, March 2, 2004 -  Just tryin' a new layout, is all.  I think  Tables look much nicer than frames, after all.  At least until I     figure out something else spiffy to do.

     Needs more pictures, I think.

Monday, February 23, 2004 - Yeah, I'm a slacker bum.  But now I have more links.  Woo.

    Oh, and my code is a bit cleaner.  But that's behind-the-scenes kind of stuff.  You probably wouldn't be all that interested.




Friday, September 26, 2003 - Just thought I'd mention that I have finally added the graduation pics I've been babbling about for the last few months. Woo.

Monday, September 22, 2003 - Happy birthday, Mom!

   Well, some new photos are up, and the graduation photos are on the way. Possibly even sometime this week. Not bad for a four-month delay, I should say...

   And as usual, a couple of new links and a couple new movie ratings. Oh, and I've officially upgraded my rating of Pirates of the Caribbean to a five-star movie - I mean, if I'm willing to see the darn thing four times, it's gotta be good, right?

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - Not a whole lot, just finally posted some ~gasp~ "real" content in the "me" section. Everything you wanted to know about Craig but were afraid to ask...

   Other than that, just a couple of new movie ratings and a new link of the month. Still need to scan those graduation pictures one of these days.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003 - Woo! It works! Many thanks go out to Dragon Thief for his invaluable help with the Javascript. (Okay, he wrote it for me. That counts as help. Right?)

Monday, May 19, 2003 - The color wheel continues to spin. I'm currently trying to teach myself enough Javascript to set things up so that you, the viewer, can pick your favorite background color - sadly, that isn't happening nearly as quickly as I'd hoped. Once I manage to track down some helping hands, though, I just might have a little poll to see which colors are the most popular. Or possibly not.

   Observant people may have also noticed that I finally got a working hit counter. Hard to believe over a thousand people have viewed this site - but then again, I'm probably responsible for at least a thousand of those views. ~shrug~

   Coming up - graduation pictures. And maybe, if I can get my new digital camera working, we'll even have a "Pic of the Month" to go with the "Link of the Month." Anything is possible...

   Oh yeah, and the Ninja Dispatch has vanished again. Stupid ninjas.

Sunday, May 11, 2003 - Very brief new rant on the "me" page. Maybe I'll put up more later, but for now I just wanted to change the blasted thing.

   Felix has new letters! Huzzah!

Saturday, May 10, 2003 - Still green, on a trial basis only. I think I'll keep it for a while, decide whether I actually like it enough to keep it this way. We shall see. Perhaps a bit darker... hmm.

   In other news - finally, the long-awaited Movie Ratings section is available. No more waiting years at a time for a lengthy movie review - now you can get the quick scoop on movies as they're released. Sure to be a crowd-pleaser, or at the very least a discussion item.

   Also, more link craziness. I swear, I do more to this section than any other. You'd think people just showed me all kinds of wacky stuff on the Internet all the time. And y'know what? You'd be right.

Wednesday, May 7, 2003 - GREEN! Muahahahahaha...!

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 - Two updates within a month of each other. The world is coming to an end.

   Seriously. Just a couple new links, and some old ones were retired. Since I'm probably the only one who uses them, though, I don't foresee it being a problem.

   What's still on its way? Movie reviews - hopefully I'll get out to see X2 sometime fairly soon, and of course the next Matrix is coming in a couple weeks. Woo! Also, an update for my personal page, eventually. And probably some more letters for Felix. But until then, you'll just have to settle for what you get now.

Thursday, April 3, 2003 - Just when you had lost all hope, I have returned. Updates are coming soon - for now, you can check out some new pics. Super-sized to meet your entertainment needs.

   On their way: movie reviews, new links, an update to my personal page, and much much more. Don't touch that dial.




Wednesday, September 18, 2002 - Not much today. Just did a little frame boogie on the links pages, and added a couple links while I was there.

   The Ninja Dispatch is back, incidentally. See the link below. ~grin~

Friday, August 23, 2002 - Awright! Now we're getting somewhere. ~grin~ Photos have been enlarged to frightening proportions - just click on the thumbnails, and you shall see much better picture quality (I hope). Lemme know if they're too big, though - this is still in the experimental stage, and if the huge pics take too long to load, I'll shrink 'em down again somewhat. ~slight edit: I'm still in the process of enlarging everything. It'll probably take a while longer, but a lot of them are done.

   In other news, after two years of waiting, the prologue to the newest entry in the Wheel of Time series is available - which, of course, means that the WoT Page is being updated. I've got my rather lengthy notes on the Prologue up already, and am currently fiddling with backgrounds and fonts to try to make everything more legible. We'll see if anything else fun happens over there, but that's all I have planned for the moment.

   More big news! Mega Man's Movie Revüe has three (!!) new reviews posted for your reading pleasure.

   Other than that, just the prerequisite handful of new links. No-one writes Felix for advice anymore, so no updates there. ~sniffle~ And since nothing new is happening in my life other than the occasional car troubles, nothing new in my personal section.

   One last thing I hardly thought mentioning - new font color. Oooo.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - Just a brief lil' update this time, adding to my ever-growing links section. Sometime within the next couple of weeks, I hope to enlarge my photos now that they've been restricted to one per page. And that's about it for now...

Tuesday, May 21, 2002 - Violà! The Friends, Family, Ann Arbor, and Miscellaneous photo sections are now thumbnailed. The pages should load up much more quickly now, and you can choose which pics to enlarge at your leisure. Hope this helps.

Sunday, May 19, 2002 - Just a little work with the links - I added a list for those of you whose computers are a little too slow to handle my plethora of cool banners and logos. Also added a couple of new links, and just for the heck of it, I added a "link of the week" just below the update section.

   My next project will be converting my photos pages to thumbnails, once again in an attempt to let my dial-up fans enjoy them without waiting half an hour for the page to load.

Friday, May 17, 2002 - The Movie Revüe is in business! ...Um, yeah, that's it.

   Felix is still crying, by the way.

Monday, May 13, 2002 - Not a whole heckuva lot since the last update, but since I didn't email anyone about the last update, there should be plenty of new stuff for you to check out. First off, there's a new feature coming soon to a website near you - Mega Man's Move Revüe! The first flick to get the treatment, if all goes well, will be Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Whew, that's a mouthful.

   So what else is there for you to examine? New links; a small page dedicated to my girlfriend Claire; some new photos; a new poem; and a couple little things in the Wheel of Time section. I think that's it, but you never know what you might come up with around here. ~insert grinning smilie here~

   Y'know, nobody writes Felix letters anymore. He's starting to feel unloved. ~insert sad smilie here~

Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - Okay, so I've finally finished a semester which probably would've inspired Dante to write a sequel. So what does that mean? Updates in progress! So far I've updated the Links section, primarily splitting it in half so it'll load easier and adding some fun new links. Also finally included a picture of my girlfriend until I can get more pics of us developed. ~insert smilie here~ I've also made the Movie Quotes into an easier-to-read list - no offense to HTMLGear, but that "ten quotes a page" thing gets annoying.

   Aside from these modest efforts, I'm working on making my Thoughts of the Day into an easy-to-read list as well, pondering the creation of a Movie Revüe, trying to get more photographs developed, and tweaking the Wheel of Time bits ever so slightly. Work should be more solidly underway after I'm done with exams and finding a wondrous summer job, so stay tuned!

   Oh, and if you're reading this and wondering why I didn't send out an update email - well, I thought I'd save that until I actually updated something, y'know? ~insert winky smilie here~

Sunday, February 3, 2002 - Okay, so there ain't much. I'm trying, I really am! ... Or something. Right. Anyway, what have I got for y'all today? Well, I put a couple new poems up in the Creative Corner and some more links on the Links page. Felix has a new letter from a satisfied customer as well - and you thought we just made these things up! ~grin~ Other than that... well... nothing, really. Just sit there and be patient, or make suggestions, or something. I'm here to serve, after all.




Monday, December 10, 2001 - Quite possibly the last update of the year, but don't despair! I just added a few pictures this go-round, and will hopefully have a more extensive update the next time. Check 'em out!

Tuesday, November 13, 2001 - 'Bout time we had more pictures around here, no? Check out My Photos for a few new pics, including some of my new pad here in A2. Also, for those of you who are interested in such stuff, my WoT Quote Archive has undergone major revision - the long-awaited "search by subject" has now been implemented, which should make that ever-elusive quote that much easier to find. Happy hunting!

October 31, 2001 - Yes, already another little update - I've now ventured into the twin realms of framed webpages and animated pictures! Check out the Myself page for my new gif pic, and the Wheel of Time Quote Archive for spiffy frames. Still working on those photos, though.

October 28, 2001 - Whee! New stuff all around. Every page has its little updates, some more than others, so be sure to check them all out! More pictures are also on the way. And if you have any more ideas for what I'm missing, please let me know - I'm running out of originality here...

Thursday, September 13, 2001 - Took something significant to get me moving again, I guess. Just added the ribbon/link at the top - if you have your own website, please consider adding it to your page as well. Thinking of you all, and hoping that everyone is okay.

   I promise some more extensive updates once I get the right software in place. It's so hard to get good help these days...

Friday, April 20, 2001 - Well, I finally moved my site off the UMich server. Not that I didn't like it and all, but I wouldn't have been able to update it at all except at school, and since it's now summertime and I'm not at school, I felt it was time for a change. Other than that, just a shuffling of the "Myself" section. We'll see what I can do once I have a little spare time around the house, hmm?

Friday, March 23, 2001 - Well, I just added a bunch more photos and a few links, is all. Have fun with 'em.

Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - Whew, been a little while, hmm? Well, the really big news is, I finally got my Secret Project underway!! Woohoo!! Hopefully my Creative Corner will be a happenin' place from here on out - I mean, c'mon, everyone has something they just have to show the rest of the world, right? Woohoo!

   ...Um, right. Anyway, other than that, just a few minor updates and added links, stuff like that. You'll just have to explore to see what's here, now won't you?

Wednesday, February 7, 2001 - Not a whole lot, but worth an update, I'd like to think. More Ask Felix letters!!! ... Um, that's it. Secret Project still pending. Couple more links, maybe. No biggie. ~shrug~

Monday, January 30, 2001 - Wow, a whole new year! Where has the time gone? Sheesh!!

   Anyway, it was pretty much past time I did something to this site, so I did something to this site. Violà! I moved my precious Squirrel Monkeys to their new home on the Photos Page, and added some spiffy new links. Also uploaded the 5WGWCS pages to Geocities to give me a lil' more room here at UM. And of course, the New Feature is now up for your viewing pleasure! Still have a ways to go - new poll, and finally, the Secret Project unveiled! Keep sending Felix those letters, too; he's complaining he doesn't have enough to do. Poor lil' buddy. ~sniffle~




Friday, December 1, 2000 - Whew! Been a little while, no? Well, I finally bowed to the pressure - the Advice Page is underway!! I know lotsa people will be happy about that one. Since I've got that going, the poll has been reset.

   Secret Project? What secret project? ~grin~

   Oh yeah... the "So You Want to be Evil" site is back! Yippee skippy!! ~dances merrily~

Friday, November 10, 2000 - Not a whole lot - some more quotes on the Links and Advice pages, and a poll. Well, actually, my second poll; first one is closed, and I added what everyone requested. ~Sigh~ And to think, I thought they could be serious... Oh yeah, and I found out my link to So You've Decided to be Evil doesn't work anymore! Oh, the agony!! ~Sob~

Sunday, November 5, 2000 - I added a guest book! Woohoo! Oh yeah, and some really spiffy quotes at the top. They're wacky. And a feedback button too...

Friday, November 3, 2000 - Didn't do a whole lot to the main part of the site. I did play with the Links page to make it a little more pleasing to the eye though. Finally finished my Wheel of Time notes, so I can start to pay attention to the rest of the site.

Tuesday, Oct 24, 2000 - Don't look for weekly updates. Won't happen. Hehe. Anywho, not much to report this time. I added a few more links, basically - though I think they're pretty neat. Go check 'em out, it'll help you kill time 'til I do something really exciting.

   On the Wheel of Time front, I finished my notes on The Shadow Rising, so they're up now. I also moved the links to a separate page, and added some there too, mostly to my friends' personal WoT websites. Only two weeks 'til the next book comes out...

Tuesday, Oct 17, 2000 - Hmm, so what's up y'all? Well, I've been twiddling around with this here website a bit, and I thought I'd finally add an updates section. What made me decide to make such a bold and unanticipated move? Well, I shifted my Links to its own page, and I didn't really want people running around in utter panic, screaming "OMIGOD!! WHERE DID THE CUTE LIL' DEVILS GO?!? ~SOB~" So now ya know, they're on the Links page.

   Also, for those of you who care, I've been diligently working on my Wheel of Time notes. Currently I've put up my notes for the first three novels, the Big White Book, and New Spring. The Shadow Rising is not far behind. After I'm done putting all these damn notes up, maybe I'll actually do something cool in the WoT section...

Send me on my way... back to the main page