!The Rurouni Kenshin Totally Tribute Site!
Sano*thinking*Kaoru & Yoshii boy must have been desperate for Ken-san^^!
Desperate RK lovers visited this site!!!
A kawaii pose of the original Kamiya Dojo members!
What's This Site All About Anyway??!!
Where I tribute my sites to all my favourite Rurouni Kenshin characters. And to let out my feelings about one of my fave anime toon^_^x;.

Just For FUN!!!
Kama-chan's tribute site :]
    Kenshin Himura        Sanosuke Sagara          Megumi Takani     Kamatari Honjo(u/h)
Sano-san's tribute site^^
DISCLAIMER:"Rurouni Kenshin","Samurai X","Kamiya Dojo" & other related stuff to "Rurouni Kenshin" is created & owned by Nobuhiro Watsuki. Copyrights of Jump Comics,Shuesha,FUJI TV,Columbia Pictures,etc. All materials offered on this site is for fun & enjoyment purpose only and I don't intend to infringe the copyrights of the respectful people/company. Many thanks to Mr. Watsuki for creating such a great manga/anime(which-ever)[Rurouni Kenshin] and to my parents who let me use the net*grin* to build this page. And not to forget ntv7(I had to say*sigh*)for airing Samurai X! I'll say that the English version seems to be as great as the original(Japanese)too^^. Even if Kenshin doesn't says "oro" and Kaoru's name is called "Koree/Cori". And Comics House for publishing RK comics in the Malay version(so that I can understand^^)---I get to see Nobuhiro Watsuki's notes and comments in a translated version*grin*!

CREDITS:All RK images & stuff  belonged to alot of RK sites,unfortunately,I forgot which is who's*boff*. Think some of the stuff I use here belonged to you? Mail
me. Also alot of thanks to Mr. Watsuki for creating such a great comic(Manga or Anime)like Rurouni Kenshin. It's one of the best Anime I ever know! And also thanks to my parents for allowing me to build this site*lol*!!!

NOTES:The music which is now playing on this site is called "The Last Wolf Suite~The Juupon Gatana music". The image tail or mouse cursor image on this site  is Chibi Tomoe Yukushiro/Himura^_^. "The Rurouni Kenshin Totally Tribute Site" is designed and built by
me. If you want to use anything from here,please mail me. BTW:Most informations I get on RK is mosly Anime instead of Manga ASAP.
ANIMATED GUYS I LOVE(comparisiom between Sano & Pete^^)
For your informations,this site is currently under constructions. If you would like to use anything from here,please mail me before you do or if you're just too lazy to then go ahead and use it but please link me and give me credit,ok? Arigatou,minna-san! Sorry about the constructions thingies,I'll try my best to update the site often!
I caught Hiko!
Check out other bishies I caught over here!
Ken~san's tribute site^_^x;
Kaoru Kamiya
Misao Makimachi
Saitoh Hajime
Yahiko Myojin
NEW! Sano & Megumi
            Sano & Mako^^
Samurai X's brief descriptions on Kids@7 site
Yare,yare! My country's channel:ntv7 is currently airing RK! Yatta!^_^x; It now reaches the Christian Arc...
News and Updates
Aoshi-sama otaku,here's your bishounen*wink*!
  Hmm...news about RK...well,after what I heard on the net and read lots of RK articles from various fan sites and from Mr. Watsuki himself,it seems to me like there's hope for us that maybe RK will be coming back soon in a new season(probaly in anime,OVA and manga-hopefully)since the anime series didn't really end properly and so does the manga. All RK endings are unpredictable,aren't they? Especially the anime series. Well I really hope that if RK really gets to come back in a new season,I hope it'll be as great as the original one^^. I would also like to know what happened to Sano later*desperate*. And what will they show to us about Kenji(Kenshin & Kaoru's son)? And will Megumi remain single or become Sano's...'nuff to say*lol*.           Well,other than that,I don't think there's anymore. Unless if you wanna know about the RK OVA,there's plenty for that but unfortunately,I'm not an OVA fan for RK or any other anime(into OVA). It's cause I don't really like the animation and it's like different than the anime*sob*.
  Ok,so what about my sites updates? Well,nothing much if I must say so myself*boff*. I'm trying to quit being online that often cause this is a real busy year for me and that my cpu is kinda wacko*oro*. I updated some text and stuff and that "Samurai X" banner above(from kids@7). Am working out on my "You know you watch too much Kenshin when...". I guess that's all for now*sniff*. Orororo!!!

*psst*I like this Aoshi pic(above)---though he's not my fave RK charac.*laugh*.


NEW! I have a new sisters sites thingies where *international* RK tribute sites can join up with me/my site^_^x;! Sounds great,ne? Mail
me for more details or to add your site here*grin*. Note:Malaysia & Mexico represented RK tribute sites is already up! I'm looking foward for other cool RK international sites^_^.
I place this banner(left)here although I didn't join the list. Just for fun you can say^_^x;.
Foxy-lady's tribute site :)
But before you go,please sign my guestbook! Arigatou^_^!
.:!The Totally Tribute RK Site! International Sisters Sites^_^:.
Yersi Fanel's^_^!
Oh,look! I'm a member of R.K.L^__^x;!!
//My WeBlog!!!^__^x;//