
Flores, one of the large island in the Lesser Sunda group, is just two and a half-hours east of Bali by MERPATI’s regular flights, is. A spectacular ridge of smoking volcanoes runs right down the middle, and there are heavy tropical forest in the interior and eastern parts. A Portuguese trader from Malaka sighted the eastern point of Flores 400 years ago who named it the Cape of flowers. There are few flower to be seen on land, but the under water sea gardens, a mass of colorful and one time blooms, are in such abundant profusion as to make the coastal waters a diver’s paradise.

There was once a species of elephant of Flores, and until today ivory tusks are an important part of dowry payment. A thick veneer of Christianity, which was introduced first by the Portuguese trading fleets and spread later by Dutch missionaries, now overlies the original strongly animist culture. Flores currently has the largest Roman Catholic community in Indonesia. Churches are dotted all over the countryside, and the mission plays a strong role in the community’s economy.

Music is an important part of life in Flores, and an integral part of every festive accession. Songs are rendered in complicated 4 – part harmony with lilting melodies and lively rhythm. Percussion instruments are most common : slit bamboo drums, small gongs, simple xylophonist and drums made out of coconut tree. There is also flutes and other bamboo instruments, and primitive one – stringed lute, which is played with a bow. War dances and fertility rites are still practiced, and the woman performs graceful “ round dances “ with simple, repetitive steps that increase as the night goes on. The Ikat weavings of Flores incorporate intricate weft design, each clan having its own special motifs.

Three crater lakes lie just the east of Ende, starkly beautiful in the contrasting colors of their waters. Fifty years ago one lake was blue – green, one dark green and the other red. Over the years the colors are constantly changing as the minerals discharged by the semi-active craters affect the waters. The area surrounding this spectacular crater scenery is known as the Kelimutu Reserve, after the towering peak of Kelimutu, which dominates the view.

Underwater diving around the coast is exceptionally good, and numerous rare species of fish and coral have been sighted in the luxurious Coral Sea – gardens off the shores of Flores. Special scuba diving holidays are catered for at the Sao Wisata Resort, all equipment included. There are numerous tiny villages to visit and watch the woman at their traditional pastime, dying and weaving lengths of cloth on simple handlooms.


01. Special transfer rates

17. Bali and beyond cruise program
02. Sight seeing tours & rates 18. Day trip to Bungin island | Sumbawa

03. Daily flight domestic & online ticket reservation

19. Flores

04. Daily fast ferry from Bali to Lombok and return

20. Kelimutu via Maumere
05. Free and easy Lombok as Bali beyond 21. Sumba ethnic and crossing Flores
06. Honeymoon package 22. The king of Rende
07. Families package 23. Komodo island (Dinosaurs Dragons)
08. Groups package 24. Komodo 3days 2night
09. Fishing and snorkeling around 25. Komodo 4days 3night

10. Hotel rates accommodation

26. Komodo via Bima
11. Mt.Rinjani trekking 3day 2night 27. Sao wisata diving
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14. Mt.Rinjani trekking photo gallery
15. Lombok inter rafting
16. Lombok exploration
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