Related Links for Social Studies

Every problem has a solution!

Susan Milovich
Certified Elementary Education Teacher
Certified Teacher of the Handicapped

Home | Social Studies Projects | Related Links for Social Studies

There are a tremendous amount of resources on the Internet for the teacher with time on her/his hands. Of course none of us have much of that!  Here are some helpful links that will lead you to more information about the projects I discussed.  I've also added some general links to other sites that I use periodically.


Social Studies

Related Links for
Social Studies

More links for Native Americans:
Education World's
12 lessons on Native Americans to extend this unit.  There are Internet Scavenger Hunts on this site on other topics.
Minnesota State Museum Map of early Native American Cultures that the children can click on to learn more about all the tribes and where their territories were.

More links for Explorers:  These sites all contain additional information about explorers.
A Treasure Trove of North American Exploration
Elementary Themes--European Explorers
Enchanted Learning

More links for the United States:
Kids' World Government & Politics
has links that connect to official sites for the branches of the govenrment, many government departments, the political parties, the Peace Corp, the CIA and the FBI sites for kids.
Learn how to fold the US Flag correctly at this site. takes you to the website of the
National Archives where there are copies of many documents.

PBS Teachers' Source has lesson plans and activities for a wide range of age levels and topics including Native American Studies, US History, & Civics.  I especially liked some of the lessons from the "Technology and Civilization" section.

The National Atlas
has hundreds of printable maps including satellite maps, topographical maps, maps of our territorial acquisitions, presidential election maps, and articles about climate, mapping, agriculture, government, etc.  There are also some interesting articles.

If you are looking for free downloadable software
Kaboose Kids Domain has a list of freeware and shareware programs for Mac's and PC's. is the address for Mac programs. Check out the toolbars for PC downloads and clip art, too!

CLICK HERE to access my RSS-Feed page.  The page will link you to current Internet news from periodicals and news services that are of interest to teachers.

To contact me:

Cell: 201-841-1996