
Robby-9 is the guitarist/singer for the space rock band Saturnine Hello. Although his place and date of birth are unknown, it is clear he’s not from around here. Some say he is the son of “Space Ace” Frehley. Others say the stars themselves produced him. Regardless of this, he is surely a lover of rock ‘n roll. His list of influences range widely through the years. He sites these as important influences: David Bowie, Kiss, Local H, Foo Fighters, Cheap Trick, a billion other bands, including the super famous space band -Xzyla, Godzilla movies, sound effects, stars in the sky, and of course; marshmallows. As the longest surviving member in Saturnine Hello, he and the band have gone through many tough times and line-up changes through the years. He is confident that the current line-up of the band is definitely the best mix in chemistry yet. “ Saturnine Hello should be taken seriously. I think Rock needs to take on a new direction. I hope we are that direction.”------------Robby-9

Jonny Trash

Jonny Trash is the drummer for Saturnine Hello. Although he is the newest member of the band, he is right at home in our spacey glam inviroment. Jon is multi-talented guy. He can play the oboe, saxaphone, violin, and of course the drums. Women want him and men want to be him. He is clearly a force to be reckoned with, and the prototype drummer of the future.

Eric Sweet

Eric Sweet plays bass for Saturnine Hello. Raised on a neighbor planet of Robby-9's homeworld, E.Sweet grew to love rock n' roll thru ambient transmissions from Earth. He picked up bass as a Xzyla roadie and enjoys transmissions from: Foo Fighters, Motley Crue, Coal Chamber, Soul Coughing, and many others. His alien body chemistry constantly rejects his false human form, resulting in his unusual stage antics.