We recently discovered that the principal of American High School, Connie White, has been reassigned by the school board.

In the years before Connie White, American High was the joke of the district. No teachers wanted to work there, and no students wanted to attend. Morale was amsolutely dismal.

When Connie White came to American, the change was incredible. In only a few short years, American has gone from one of the worst schools in the district to one of the best.

-Test scores have skyrocketed; American has gone from a 59% passing rate on the CAHSEE in 2001 to 87% in 2004.

-American earned the rare six-year accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)

-In six years, American has been transformed from a poorly performing school to a California Distignuished School

The school board has offered no justification for their acts, except to imply that the success of American High is due to demographics (in front of the California Distinguished School committee, no less) and act as though she has something to hide even though the Superintendent himself told her that if she released any information it would be considered a "direct act of insubordination". It is up to us to let them know that we will not accept this.


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