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May 15-th, 2001.
The Conference in Ecuador ( 5-9 March 2001, Quito, Ecuador).
A report of Claudia Medina.

May 15-th, 2001.
The V Latin-American-Scarabaeodeology Meeting (5-9 March 2001, Quito, Ecuador)

Variacion Morfologica Comparativa del Genero Canthon Hoffmansegg (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) y Generos Relacionados.

Claudia A.Medina (1), Clarke H. Scholtz (1) & Bruce D. Gill (2) 1. Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, Republic of South Africa. E-mail:, 2. Centre for Plant Quarantine Pests, Rm. 4125 - 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0C6. E-mail: gillbd@EM.AGR.CA.

Se examino la variacion morfologica en 59 especies de Canthon y 18 especies de otros generos de la tribu Canthonini (Anisocanthon, Canthonella, Cryptocanthon, Deltochilum, Hansreia, Holocanthon, Malagoniella, Melanocanthon, Scybalocanthon, Sylvicanthon). Se describe la variacion morfologica en estructuras de la cabeza tales como: clipeo, ojos, labio, gula y epifaringe. Del torax se examino la variacion del borde lateral del pronoto y se examinaron el proesterno, las tibias anteriores y medias. Se examinaron ademas los elitros, el pigidio y la genitalia del macho, incluyendo el saco interno del edeago. Los caracteres sexuales secundarios (forma de la espina de la tibia anterior y forma del ultimo segmento abdominal) fueron revisados. En la revision de caracteres se incluyeron los caracteres diagnosticos del genero, mostrando su variacion dentro y fuera de Canthon. Los caracteres diagnosticos de Canthon no se presentaron de manera consistente en las especies examinadas, mientras que especies de Canthon comparten muchas caracteristicas morfologicas con otros generos de la tribu Canthonini, principalmente con Anisocanthon, Hansreia, Melanocanthon, Scybalocanthon, y Sylvicanthon. En general estos generos forman un grupos muy heterogeneos de especies sin limites precisos, basados en combinaciones de caracteres, y son posiblemente grupos artificiales de especies. Los caracteres morfologicos tradicionalmente usados en la taxonomia de los Canthonini americanos, al parecer no son utiles para la sistematica de estos grupos, ya que no son consistentes dentro de los grupos y no son informativos. Estructuras como el saco interno del edeago y la epifaringe mostraron caracteres que se presentaron de manera mas consistente dentro de los diferentes generos de Canthonini estudiados. Se describen de manera detallad a diferentes tipos de escleritos presentes en el saco interno del edeago de especies de Canthon y se comparan con especies de otros generos de Canthonini. Estas estructuras son importantes fuentes de caracteres, posiblemente utiles en un analisis filogenetico de estos grupos.

May 05-th, 2001.
New book:
Martín-Piera F. and López-Colón J.I. 2000 Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea 1. In: Fauna Ib érica, vol. 14. Ramos M.A. et al. (Eds.). Museo National de Ciencias Naturales. CSOC. Madrid. 526 pp., 7 plates.

May 05-th, 2001.
The following conference is expected soon:
13-th Congress of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, July 2-6, 2001.
University of Natal at Pietermaritzburg, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
Here are abstracts of our presentations:
- Shaun A. Forgie and Clarke H. Scholtz: Sceliages Westwood (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): The millipede undertakers. Abstract.
- Shaun A. Forgie, Paulette Bloomer, and Clarke H. Scholtz: Phylogeny of the Scarabaeini (Scarabaeidae:Scarabaeinae): combining genes and morphology. Abstract.
- Claudia A. Medina, Clarke H. Scholtz, and Bruce D. Gill. Phylogenetic relationships of the American Canthonini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Abstract.
- Vasily V. Grebennikov. Larvae of Coleoptera: emphasis on chaetotaxy. Abstract.
- Claudia A.Medina, Clarke H. Scholtz, and Bruce D. Gill: Variacion Morfologica Comparativa del Genero Canthon Hoffmansegg (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) y Generos Relacionados. Abstract.
- Adrian L.V. Davis. Dung beetle diversity in South Africa. Abstract.

January 14-th, 2001.
Claudia Medina, Shaun Forgie and Vasily Grebennikov came back to Pretoria after two days in Rustenburg Nature Reserve. This time they got seven (!) brood balls of Sceliages from three burrows. The technique to get the balls was the same like before: during previous trip adults with millipedes were released and their burrows marked; one couple of adults was put in a container submerged in the soil. At least two brood balls were partly eaten from outside; might be by the adults. In about a week the balls would be opened and, likely, more larvae obtained (they could be heard moving inside the balls). An attempt to collect more Sceliages adults failed; three last weeks the Reserve got no rains and all insect life had been reduced to minimum.

January 07-th, 2001.
Peter Holter (Denmark) and Stan Caveney (Canada) came to Pretoria to do experiments on feeding biology of adult scarabaeid dung beetles. Together with Clarke Scholtz and Vasily Grebennikov they are leaving tomorrow for about ten days to Kruger National Park to do field work. The project Clarke and our guests work on is the study the size of particles ingested by adult dung beetles in relation to taxon, body size and dung preference.

January 04-th, 2001.
Claudia Medina, Peter Holter, Clarke Scholtz and Vasily Grebennikov went for a day to so-called Alexander's farm (about 160 km north from Pretoria, S 24* 31'; E 28* 45') and dug successfully up 24 Heliocopris for Peter's feeding experiments with dung beetles. The same day three Glaresis adults were collected on back light with an optimistic hope to get larvae from this mysterious genus (forming, as we believe, a family by its own and making a sister-group to the rest of Scarabaeiodea). A week ago ten more Glaresis adults were taken from the same place and now we have 13 beetles in four Petri-dishes full with fine sterile send (to avoid contamination with other possible larvae, particularly Aphodius). Seven rhinoceroses were observer during this day.
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