the adventures of murcury man!
(click here for the index)
chapter one: comith the hour, comith the mercury man
mercury man stepped out of the chammber, his arm sore from where he had been wanking over pictures of hitler. the time was 90 past 300. it was this very odd time because of the the change to murcury time. murcury man had decided that he did not want to die, so his only outlet was to go and find some drugs. he walked thorough the cave, looking for some drugs, but he could not find any.
"oh no," shouted murcury man, "I cannot find any drugs. fuck. I know, I will vist my house because that is full of drugs and.....drugs."
he left he caves and got in the murcury mobile. he put his hands on the stearing wheel, and began to turn it, as was the accepted method of stearing at  the time. he drove for a very big ammount of time, untill he hit a badger. then he drove a big bit more and stopped outside his yellow mansion. it was yellow because murcury man liked yellow, even more then he liked blue. murcury man jumped out of the car, and hit his head on a lampost. "oh shite," he said, "I think I hurt my noggin."
he climbed the steps of his yellow mansion and opened the door. inside was a mountain of drugs, and other such things. "yay" Murcury man yelled, "lots of yummy drugs" WHOOHOWHOOH!"
then he saw his arch nemmasis, "black man" lying on the drugs, eating some pies.
"oh np black man, what did you do with my drugs/pies?"
well im sorry, but I thought the pies looked tasty, and then I saw the drugs and thought, that looks like a larf. so I decided to eat pies and roll in drugs. would you care to join me mucury man?"
"oh yes please black man!" said murcury man
as murcury man sat down, black man shot him in the legs with a special gun.
"ahhh!" said murcury man, "you shot me in the legs with a special gun!"
"uhhh...yeah of course I did dipshit," said black man, "Otherwise I wouldnt really be your nemmsis, dickhead"
" was kinnda meant to you stupid bitch"
as murcury man bled into the ground, black man shot him in the leg. ISNT THAT FUNNY!???
chapter two next week
click here for chapter 2 of the adventues of mucury man