Main Course

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Basic Japanese

Ohayou-gozaimasu: Good Morning
Konnichiwa: Hello
Konbanwa: Good Evening
Oyasumi-nasi: Goodnight
Sayonara: Goodbye
Arigatou: Thankyou
Sumimasen: Excuse me
Gomen: Sorry
Hai: Yes
Lie: No
Ittekimasu: I'll be back
Itterasshai: Take care
Tadaima: I'm back
Haijimemashite: How do you do?
Douzo: Please
Kawaii: Cute
Baka: Stupid
Tomadachi: Friend
Domare: Shut up!
Gakkou: School
Kaimono: Shopping
Yoroshiku: Please remember me
Doushite: Why
Ashita: Tomorrow
Asatte: the day after tomorrow
Kyo: Today
Koko: Here
Soko: There
Issho: Together
Ikimashou: Let's go
Wakarimashita: I understand
Wakarimasen: I don't understand
Shirimasen: I don't know
Nandemonai: It's nothing
Shizumatte kudasei: Please be quiet
Asoko: Overthere
Hayaku: Hurry
Daijoubu: all right
Hajimemashite:/ How do you do
name endings
- kun: Friendship with boys
- chan: Friendship with girls
- san: respect
- sensei: theacher
- sama: with great respec