My Journey
This journey has been anything but easy. It started when I gave birth to my oldest daughter without any complications. It was a worry free pregnancy, that's the only way to put it.

Three years later my husband and I wanted a baby together since he had no children all his own. Our innocense was taken away from us at the end of this full term pregnancy. Our beautiful baby girl, Sydney Nicole, was not alive at birth.

Somehow I managed to never give up hope on having another baby in my arms, to rock to sleep at night, to light up at his or her first smile, and to once again have everything else that makes mommies love being mommies...
Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born.
~George Bernard Shaw  
To read all about Sydney Nicole, Please visit Sydney's Page...

And to read all about my subsequent pregancy, please visit
My Next Pregnancy...
Pregnancy & Infant
Awareness Ribbon