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How amino acids function:
Amino acids are popularly referred to as "building blocks". Amino acids are chemical units that makeup proteins. They are composed of 16 percent nitrogen, which creates the distinguishing difference between two other basic nutrients; sugars and fatty acids. Because proteins provide the structure for all living organisms and amino acids are an essential component of protein, a person can readily understand the importance of amino acids to life in general and especially to a healthy organism. In contrast to water proteins makes up the second greatest portion of the persons body weight. This is an indicator of just how important proteins and amino acids are to the body. Proteins are substances, which makeup muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs, glands, nails, hair, vital body fluids, and bones. As you can see, proteins are really an essential component of all aspects of the body. Enzymes and hormones are actually proteins and as we know enzymes and hormones regulate all bodily processes. 
Proteins form the structural basis of chromosomes, through which our genetic information is passed from parent to offspring. Embedded in the cells DNA is the actual genetic code that represents instructions on how each cell should make it's protein. 
Proteins are actually a chain of amino acids linked together. Each protein is composed of specific groups of amino acids and in a specific arrangement. In this way, each protein in the body is specifically designed to fit a specific need and as a result proteins and not interchangeable. Each protein has its own unique makeup and identity. 
Indeed, in-take of nutritional supplements such as vitamins and minerals must be accompanied by amino acids in order to be a simulated and absorbed by the body. Even though vitamins and minerals may be absorbed by the body they lose their effectiveness if an absence of amino acids is present. 
The actual process whereby amino acids create proteins is: we take-in foods with dietary protein which is broken down into its amino acid forms which is than used by the body to build specific proteins as needed. From this vantage point one can observe the importance of amino acids as in vital nutrient. 
Even in the brain, amino acids are able to pass through the blood brain barrier. In the brain, amino acids act as neurotransmitters, which facilitate the transmission of chemicals from one cell to another, enhancing communication between cells. 
Approximately 28 commonly known amino acids combine to create hundreds of types of proteins found in all living things. Certain amino acids, which are not produced by organs and glands of the body, are called essential amino acids. These amino acids must be obtained through ingesting of food material into the body. The essential amino acids include histidine, isoleune, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. The remaining amino acids are referred to as nonessential. This does not mean they are not essential, it merely means, that they do not need to be obtained through diet, because the body can produce them itself. 
Because the process of creating proteins is true breaking proteins into amino acids and we assembly into other proteins is ongoing, it becomes very important for the body not to run sure of material enough almost proteins to break down for assembly. From a manufacturing point of view it would be like running out of raw material use in preparation of products to be sold. A factory commits the ultimate sin if it allows itself to run out of raw material and/or inventory needed to produce its product. In the same fashion for individuals to allow the body to run out of the necessary proteins needed to be broken down in the assembled into new and diverse proteins can create severe adverse conditions. Eating a well balanced diet is essential in feeding how human machine with the necessary proteins in order for it to continue to rebuild itself daily. 
Taking supplements as sources for amino acids:
Although it is not common to take supplements containing amino acids formulas, they are available. They are usually combined with other multivitamin formulas. Most amino acid supplements are derivatives of animal protein, yeast protein, or vegetable protein. When choosing amino acids supplements, it is important to find supplements of amino acids, in products containing the L.-forms of amino acids, which are considered to be more compatible with human biochemistry. Generally speaking, taking amino acids as supplements should not be taken for long periods of time. Typically, it's a good idea to alternate individual amino acids that fit your needs and back them up with amino acids complex in supplemental form, taking the supplements for two months and then skipping two months. Many researchers warn against taking large doses of amino acids over extended periods of time and stress moderation is the key. They point out, some amino acids have potential toxic effects when taken in large doses. Do not give supplemental amino acids to a child or take doses of any amino acids in excess of the recommended dosage on the label without specific directions from your physician.

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