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(Home) No Forgiveness - An Unofficial Warhammer 40K Site

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Deathwing Terminator Blank Gif Blank Gif
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Blank Gif Dark Angels Marine
Blank Gif Ravenwing Bikers Dark Angels Motto Dark Angels Marine
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Dark Angels Motto Dark Angels Marine
Space Marines Space Marines Space Marines Space Marines Blank Gif Dark Angels Marine
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+++ 15 October 2001 +++
Normal services has resuemd!!!

I have added my first painting guide to the site. You can now learn how to paint the Deathwing terminators of the Dark Angel's Chapter!! Click here to have a look.

I will be back in 2 weeks time with a new modeling article. This time it will be a conversion job I have planned for my Master of the Ravenwing!!

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+++ 03 October 2001 +++
I would like to apologise to all of you for the late update to this site. My servers at work were infected with the damn Nimda virus, which caused all sorts of problems to both the servers and the workstations connecting to them. BUGGER!!!

Anyway, back to business. I have added my first modeling article to the site. You can now download the Dark Angel's Banners from my site!! Click here to have a look.

I have also added the text to my article on the shooting effectiveness of the weapons available to the Dark Angel's Chapter. I can't beleive I actually forgot to put it in. Doh!! What a fool am I !!! Click here to have a look.

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+++ 06 September 2001 +++
Well!! As promised, I have added some Warhammer 40K content related update to this site.

I apologise for missing my 1st September 2001 deadline. The article was in my office PC, and we were shifting office, and as such, I had no access to the internet for 2 weeks!!.

Anyway, the article will give you a rough idea as to the effectivness of shooting weapons available to the Dark Angel's, and there pros and cons. Click here to have a look.

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+++ 22 August 2001 +++
I have added a gaming section to this website in preparation for the content related update planned for the 1st of September 2001

This section will include painting guides, convertion guides, gaming related issues such as tactics and army selection and battle reports Click here to have a look.

I have also added descriptions to the links on my "Paths" page so that you can have a rough idea, what those webpages I have linked to, offer. Click here to have a look.

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+++ 18 August 2001 +++
I had to make some minor changes to the HTML coding to iron out some presenstation issues of the webpage for Netscape users that I was unaware off.

I will be back in 2 weeks time with an update that is 40K content related. I Promise!!!

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+++ 15 August 2001 +++
Welcome back to Infitialis Venia - The Unforgiven.

Well its been 2 weeks, and as promised, I have made some updates to this website.

For starter, I felt that the obscure yet 40Kish navigation bar does not help the non-40K initiate find his way round the site so I had it changed it to a more literal and english version.

I have also added in a Guestbook so you guys can tell me what you think of my website. So please leave a message!

On top of that, I have added a feedback form for those who wish to contact me in a more direct manner.

I would like to apologise for the lack of a content update. I promise to have some new stuff related to 40k and the Dark Angesl up in a fortnights time so please, please, PLEASE come back then!!!

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+++ 01 August 2001 +++
Welcome Brethrens to Infitialis Venia - The Unforgiven. A website dedicated to The Dark Angels Space Marines Chapter

For the moment, you will be able to view a couple of pictures of my own Dark Angels Army. In the future, I will be adding write ups on tactics, painting guides, covertions, battle reports and artwork pertaining to the Dark Angels.

SO! For the moment, please stick around for a while and enjoy what is available. Remember to check back once in a while. I will endevour to make updates to this website fortnightly to keep it 'Minty Fresh'

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