:: version info ::

Inspired by the quiz I took. Picture courtesy of someone on the internet, edited by yours truly. Most important feature: the freedom of wings and the magic of faerie. Be enchanted.

:: magic moments ::

:: social butterfly ::



:: malicious magic ::

all content including but not limited to graphics, layouts, poetry, user identities etc. are created for my exclusive use. if you wish to use them for any reason whatsoever please email me to request permission and add a link back to my pages as acknowledgement. the identity 'phuneme' and its related word forms including but not limited to 'phunemic', 'phunemised' etc are the exclusive property of the webmistress and are not to be appropriated by any other person in any form or for any reason whatsoever.

offenders will be phunemised.©phuneme 2003.

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