Cluttered Memories
Personal site created by Adam Ellis

 Facts About Me
 Photo Gallery


 Trevor's Website
 Emily's/M n Emz's Website
 Day Of Defeat:HL Mod
 | Mega Man Network |
 Mega Tokyo (webcomic)
 Bob and George
 HTML Goodies
 Ensnaring Mirage
 Do you believe

Quick Update
Posted on Saturday, June 12th, 2004
"dancing_monkeys_in_pink_tutus.avi"? I can safely assure anyone that no such
file exists... Or at least to my knowledge (that also means I don't have such
a file). Anyway, back on track, I decided that an update was severely due since
the last one was made almost a year ago. I'll be leaving for National Service
soon, so I thought that now was an appropriate time to touch the site up a
little bit. Here's the changes made:
  • Removed "Humour" section due to no relevence to this site and the fact
    that it is taking up unneeded webspace.
  • Fixed the broken dimensions of the "InLive" box.
  • Fixed some HTML related errors to the site.
  • Added a new background to the entire site plus the Intro page (Bleh,
    that horrid colour was really getting to me).
I was unsure whether to use the new background or not, but I felt that the old
one was too bland and that this background should spice it up a little. Good
bye "Humour" section and "Maria-chan" the laughing hamster! I'm going to
miss that animated hamster... :(

Yet Another Minor Update
Posted on Wednesday, July 16th, 2003
The site is still comming along slowly and those who read my blog should
already know that I am planning to get the "About Me" section done as top
priority. Index Page has undergone a few changes, starting with the obvious
change in pictures and secondly; I tried to get the text under the page hit
counter to be viewed properly. I'll work on changing the horrid background
colour soon as well. Small editions I have made to the "Links" area on the
navigation bar(or Navbar) to the left is the introduction of Jay's site,
Ensnaring Mirage and updated the URL to Ann's Blog, Do you believe. That's
all for now! Oh! One more thing, you people may not understand the index
page's pics so I'll do a short explaination of those characters. "Megaman.EXE"
and "Bass.EXE" are called "Net Navigators" or simply "Net Navis". They only
exist in the Internet along with programs and are usually controled by
"operators", who are basically people like you and me. However, "Bass.EXE"
(the caped one) is the only independant "Net Navi" that does not require
an "operator" and can roam the Net and do what he wants as he freely
wishes. In the game, that glowing orb in the picture was a program called
"Gigafreeze", that is able to freeze anything in its path. I just changed
the program into a file that Megaman was supposed to be working on which
is the HTML document for "Cluttered Memories". Hope this clears up

Even More Minor Updates
Posted on Saturday, June 7th, 2003
Here's what's been updated on Cluttered Memories:

  • Implemented thumbnails (credits to Trevor) for Photo Gallery section.
  • Updated Photo Gallery section with a few more pictures.
  • Moved Page Hit Counter to Index page.


More Minor Updates
Posted on Friday, May 9th, 2003
Since I got the blog section up, I had the motivation to touch up a few
other stuff while I was at it. Obvious change is the index page which I decided
to change due to the fact it was near impossible to actually read the text on it.
Hopefully nobody has to spend 30 minutes squinting at the monitor and getting
eyestrain anymore =P. The desktop picture in MS paint from last time was
supposed kind of reflect me in a way but I figured that it would forever to
load a 800 x 600 JPEG picture over anything with speeds below what cable is
capable of. I decided to replace it with a little parody of a game from one
of my most favourite game series of all time, Rockman/Megaman!
Rockman Zero 2 is one totally awesome game that deserves be owned by all
Game Boy Advance owners. It's a much better sequel to Rockman Zero 1
/Megaman Zero 1. Other updates would be two new links added to the links
section, HTML Goodies and a blog from one of my close friends Ann. Be sure
to pay those sites a visit!

Future updates would probably be to relocate the "Page Hit Counter" to the
index page since it keeps recording new visitor counts when ever some one
accesses the main page even if it is not a new visitor and simply somebody
clicking the "main" link on the navigation bar (I hope you understand what
I am trying to say here =P). I'll also change the small sized pictures to
real thumbnails since the existing ones are just the originals resized to
a smaller size. Trevor has pointed out that the pictures do not load
quickly on his 56K modem and has actually made some thumbnails of them
for me himself! Thanks Trev!! Credits go to Trev on those thumbnails.
Apart from those, expect to see a guest book type system where you, the
visitors of Cluttered Memories can leave your views, opinions or just a
message to say "Hi" =). Till next time, take care!

Blog Section Added
Posted on Friday, May 9th, 2003
Blog section is finally up for those who are interessted on my thoughts
or my daily life. It will be updated more often than Cluttered Memories and I
will often indicate the site's progress. Have fun and take care people! It's
Mother's Day soon, have you gotten your mother anything yet? I know I have.
(White gold necklace, Mother's day card and lots of love). =D

Minor Updates
Posted on Friday, April 4th, 2003
Thanks to the deadly Pneumonia virus SARS and my recent school holiday, I
have been confined to my little room and would like to announce that the site
has finally been updated! =D
Here's a list of the following changes on the site:

  • Table HTML changed (Less messy and should make the site load slightly quicker than before)
  • Introduction of new sections to the navigation bar: Blog, Feedback and Links
  • Created an enter page (supposed to reflect me in a way but makes text almost impossible to read)
  • Added a hit counter to the navigation bar
  • Site name changed to Cluttered Memories
  • Photo Gallery section finally done
  • Introduced a footer to my table (scroll all the way down)

Future Updates/What to expect soon:
  • Implement Web Poll
  • Add Guest Book/Boardroom for visitor posts
  • Implement an archiving system for past posts
  • Update Humour section
  • Add Blog and Feedback sections

Thank you for your continued support of Cluttered Memories! Sorry for the
century long update. =P

Posted on Sunday, May 12th, 2002
I would like to wish everyone out there a happy mothers day!! =) Let's show our
mother how much we really care about her and that we appreciate her efforts of
raising and taking care of us till today. THANK YOU MUM! ;)

On another note, Picture Gallery and Humour Section are going to be updated
soon. Sorry for the lack of updates. My apologies.

Humour Section
Posted on Tuesday, March 26th, 2002
So far I am still busy getting my Image Gallery section done and it may take
some time. In the mean time, I have started a humour section where I
will add things that I find either funny or interessting.

Special Request
Posted on Friday, March 15th, 2002
Some one recently asked me for a picture of myself but I was extremely busy.
I thought for a while and decided it would be a good idea to post
a pic of myself so that everyone can see what a I look like! As you can see,
this photograph was taken in Chester, England and that young lady next to me is my girlfriend. haha. I'm only joking, that's my mother!! LOL!
More pics to come soon...
If you have no clue where to click, [CLICK HERE!!]

Posted on Saturday, March 9th, 2002
Trevor (one of my friends) decided to design an innovatively amusing website.
Why not pay a visit to his site to check out his work of genius?
*me gives a round of applause* hehe, good work Trev.

Face Lift
Posted on Saturday, March 2, 2002
So far I have not gotten much time to spend on this site but I will assure
you all that I will begin working on my Photo Gallery next. In the mean
time, I decided to play around with the site layout and the result is what
you see now. A new face lift. ;)

Posted on Saturday, February 23, 2002
As you can see, all the links are down. This is due to the fact that
the pages are not ready yet. I am sorry for any inconveniences and I will put
them up ASAP. In the mean time, I am all ready occupied with other work
but I will try to work on this page as much as possible.

Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2002
Welcome everyone to the opening of my very first personal website.
Please feel free to look around my site.