By clicking on ‘a graveyard’, the reader is taken to yet another lexia that offers numerous paths out and it also contains a list of the different body parts that went into the construction of the female monster. It is modelled on a headstone that reads:

Here Lies a Head,

Trunk, Arms (Right

And Left), and Legs

(Right and Left)

as well as divers

Organs Appropriately


May They Rest in Piece

The links on each body part in turn brings us to another node which names and describes the body part, the donor and the life that he or she led and how that particular body part affects the monster’s daily existence. Every tale is unique because Jackson endows them with a distinctive voice and thus “creating a narrative of Bakhtinian multivocality while simultaneously presenting a composite image of women’s lives at the turn of the nineteenth century” ( Landow ).

By repeatedly and unconsciously clicking on each body part and reading their individual stories, one is able to observe a collective voice of women in the nineteenth century and how they are oppressed, by themselves and by society at large.

Term Paper Home (i)Introduction (ii)Overview (iii)Literary Crossroads (iv)Multivocality (v)Linearity (vi)Collage Quality (vii)Personal Experience (viii)Double meaning (ix)Conclusion A list of sources