<BGSOUND SRC="beginning.mid">
Song: " From The Beginning"
By: Emerson, Lake & Palmer
(tip: right click on above player, for more control)

Click Here to download the midi file.

Free At Last!  well, not quite, but I'm woikin on it!

and welcome to:

A Quiet Mind...

who wants to know?

"You are all Buddhas
There is nothing you need to achieve.
Just open your eyes."

--- Siddhartha Gautama

Site UpDate: 5/1o/o3

WELCOME to: "A Quiet Mind???"
"what the heck is that all about!?" you may ask...
Well, according to the people quoted on this page; attaining A Quiet Mind, could possibly be a good thing.

anyway, it's all matter of experience & perspective.
This Place, being a F|233f0rm pr0c3ss of |2andom 3xpr3ssi0n.

Take what U like, and leave the |2est.

If you're STUCK in somebody elses [Frames] and want out: Click Here Its A Bar!

"All uncertainy is life's special invitation to enter the mystery of the ever-new --
and once within this timeless world to discover yourself there as its keeper."

Its A Bar!

World IRC Chat: Pirch98

a Free cup of Java chat.

It's A Bar!

and now, BEWARE ...of that more personal touch...

Family Shotz 1
Family Shotz 2
some Personal Prose & Poetry -like substances...
(ramblings of a mAdMaN  :>>  Enter @ your own Risk!!  <<)
to beloved Kalapana ...

Its A Bar!

"To go beyond yourself, you must first be yourself.
To be yourself takes no special understanding, only a willingness to see yourself as you really are."

Its A Bar!

"There is one mind common to all individual men. Every man is an inlet to the same and to all of the same.
He that is once admitted to the right of reason is made a freeman of the whole estate.
What Plato has thought, he may think; what a saint has felt, he may feel; what at any time has befallen any man, he can understand.
Who hath access to this universal mind is a party to all that is or that can be, for this is the only and sovereign agent."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

For a quick getaway...here's the short list of possibilities:

this is totally Absürd - but, don't be afraid...
check iT OuT
I don't even know what to say about
THIS place. You'd have to see for yourself... RadioZelda?
and as for
THIS place... I won't even try.
Journey into the mind:
Nabakov!   ...of a great Russian writer, enjoy.
a World Diary of sorts. the music of thousands of voices here at the:
>>>[   Virtual World Orchestra   ]<<<
perspectives, feelings, impressions of many peoples, from over 160 countries...
veeery interesting indeed.
Found a couple of interesting Web Rings along the way...
"The Journal Ring"
where 'ordinary' folk, keep on-line journals. veeeery interesting stuff.
Then there's the...
"Open Pages"
Web Ring. and just as the title suggests: Open, pages... 'this n that, here n there, now n then'.

"I don't know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields, which is what I've been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon.
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Mary Oliver

by: Ramesh S. Balsekar

just "Who" is seeking "What"?
good question.
but then, ask the question
and perhaps you've already
stepped out of Consciousness.
does the questions really matter?
Consciousness, simply... IS
isn't it?
more food for thought?:
Some spiritual-liKe StUff...
Something like:
"On Site Buying?"

A Personal Selection
Click HERE
"Be in the moment!"
what the heck does that mean!
...you may ask.
so many thoughts runnin round in that head, hmm?

more phood 4 thought. ohh nooo!
by: Guy Finley

"The life-healing insights in this book empower you
to stop being an unwitting victim of your own fears
and to take command of challenging situations.
You'll discover how to unlock the door to your own Free Mind,
and to come upon the greatest spiritual secret of all:
Who you really are
is already everything you've ever wanted to be!"

"The goal of the hero trip down to the jewel point is to find those levels in the psyche that open, open, open...
and finally open to the mystery of your Self
being Buddha consciousness
or the Christ.

That's the journey.

Joseph Cambell

Advaita, perhaps?
along the lines of: "non-attachment, to all concepts." as All, Be-ing simply consciousness as Life!!
or something like that...
  The MATRIX ...would you take the red pill, or the blue. hmmm?
Of course I enjoyed the movie, of a very old concept.
  A site for sore eyes perhaps... Spiritual offerings, products, information and links.
  Everything you wanted (and didn't want) to know about cycling & mountain biking...is here!
  Here's a great online Post Card site. Every E-Card sent, contributes to the World Wildlife Fund.
  Esoterica... a site with a wealth of info on Theosophy and such
  Here's Yahoo's links to my favorite singer...Sarah Mclachlan.    AND, All of Her MUSIC Here!
Her online fan's webpages-shrines-temples-pic sites, and so much more...
  Visitors Bureau & Convention Center stuff on; PaRaDiSe! (Hawaiian Style)
  Gnosticism... the Home Site. remember those Dead Sea Scrolls? the Nag Hammadi Library:
  If you enjoy a good game of Backgammon...this is the place to look.
  "Change...is the only real constant" - Taoism, and a great place to explore its depths.
  Even more web info on Hawaii! Yeesh!
  THE Literary Arts web ring, literally all the literary sites, online even. Check It!
  Mysticism on-line. and in world religions too!
  THE PlAcE for EleCtrOniCa . Pushing @ de edges of de MuSiCaL envelope.
  OR, World/NewAgeJazz/BluesPop/RockClassical and Country/Folk even!
  Self Growth on-line. nuff said.

"The greatest part of mankind ... may be said to be asleep, and that particular way of life which takes up each man's mind, thoughts and actions, may be very well called his particular dream.
This degree of vanity is equally visible in every form and order of life. The learned and the ignorant, the rich and the poor, are all in the same state of slumber."

William Law

Internet Security...
got your attention? it's something to think about, even if you're just a home user. so, for the BEST personal firewall & anti-virus programs & INFO, for FREE at that, click:
tired of SPAM? want to report internet fraud? or some stock rip-off/scam? click...
Hawaiian Flora & Fauna Pictures.   CoOlshOts!
Some InTerEsTing doWnLoaDs (screen savers & such)
Some say this is THE definitive source of info, on:
[   Virus Hoaxes   ]
Don't forward that hoax!! check here first.
>>>---- Road Kill Points Schedule (for cyclists who DaRe! :) ---->
and here's the other definitive source, on:
"Urban Legends..."
I mean hey, if you gotta forward that story, at least you'll know if it's true.

"There is provided an escape from the narrowness and poverty of the individual life, and the possiblility of a life which is other and larger than our own, yet which is most truly our own.
For, to be ourselves, we must be more than ourselves. What we call love is, in truth ...
the losing of our individual selves to gain a larger self."

John Caird

Just ONE CLICK (a day) of a little button...
and a sponsor will donate some food to the:
United Nations World Food Programme
yep, that's right folks, they'll get 100% of sponsored donations.

The Hunger Site

Sometimes, you just gotta Go For It!   every little bit does help...

Random Acts Of Kindness Webring

Is A Caring Member Of RAOK!
[ Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ]

Here's Your One Stop Donation Shop:
Secure server, good causes, way too many to list here!

Give To Charity HomeSite

You can even add your favorite charity (if it isn't already there)

"When you are no longer compelled by desire or fear...
When you have seen the radiance of eternity in all the forms of time...
When you follow your bliss...
doors will open where you would not have thought there were doors...
and the world will step in and help."

Joseph Campbell

Its A Bar!


there is only ego
or there is not
one can go either way
or stay in-between
more or less
to whatever degree
as is meant to be.

could it be that simple...

(ramblings of a mAdMaN  :>>  Enter @ your own Risk!!  <<)

"An Invitation" by: Oriah Mountain Dreamer
"Mark how to know yourself. To know himself a man must ever be on the watch over himself, holding his outer faculties. The object is to reach a state of consciousness -- a new state of one self. It is to reach Now, where one is present to oneself. What I say unto you I say unto all:
Be Awake ." --Meister Eckhart

"He who always seeks more light the more he finds, and finds more the more he seeks, is one of the few happy mortals who take and give in every point of time.
The tide and ebb of giving and receiving is the sum of human happiness, which he alone enjoys who always wishes to acquire new knowledge, and always finds it."

Johann Lavater

Its A Bar!

Well, in closing I'd just like to say that those senate hearings didn't prove a thing! This isn't over...not by a longshot... I'll be baahk!
Oops, wrong context.
Butt seriously, I hope you enjoyed your visit.
and please read the legal disclaimer at the bottom of this page before you leave.

Be Well
may the winds of change blow gently through your days and nights.

namaste, om shanti

Its A Bar!

"The being who has attained harmony, and every being may attain it, has found his place in the order of the universe and represents the divine thought as clearly as a flower or a solar system. Harmony seeks nothing outside itself. It is what it ought to be; it is the expression of right, order, law and truth; it is greater than time, and represents eternity."

Henri Amiel

Here's that Profile Thingie , why? I DUH-no, seemed like a good ideer @ the time...

"(This) self is an entirely illusory entity, constantly changing, full of contradictions which only habit prevents us from discerning.
But above all the self is -- selfish. As if flying in panic from any recognition of its own nothingness, it feverishly erects edifices of self importance, self aggrandizement, self love.
More binding than any prison, since we unthinkingly take its very walls for reality, it prevents us from ever realizing the true significance of our being here."

D.L. Pendlebury

"The sovereignty of nature has been alloted to the silent forces. The moon makes not the faintest echo of a noise, yet it draws millions of tons of tidal waters to and fro at its biding. We do not hear the sun rise, nor the planets set. So, too, the dawning of the greatest moment in a man's life comes quietly, with none to herald it to the world. In that Stillness alone is born the knowledge of the Overself. The gliding of the mind's boat into the lagoon of the spirit is the gentlest thing I know; it is more hushed than the fall of eventide."

Dr. Paul Brunton

  more from Guy Finley's "Design Your Destiny ":

A Quiet Mind...

1. Is spontaneously creative in any situation.
2. Can neither betray itself nor anyone else.
3. Rests naturally when it isn't naturally active.
4. Knows without thinking.
5. Seeks nothing outside of itself for strength.
6. Detects and easily rejects psychic intruders.
7. Never compromises itself.
8. Can't be flattered or tempted.
9. Doesn't waste valuable energy.
10. Fears nothing.
11. Can't outsmart itself.
12. Is never the victim of it's own momentum.
13. Refreshes itself.
14. Is in relationship with a higher intelligence.
15. Never struggles with painful thoughts.
16. Is instantly intuitive.
17. Gives it's undivided attention to it's tasks.
18. Receives perfect direction from within.
19. Deeply enjoys the delight of it's own quietness.
20. Lives above expectations and disappointments.
21. Can't be captured by regrets.
22. Commands every event it meets.
23. Lives in a state of grace.
24. Never feels lonely.
25. Knows and helps quietly design it's destiny.

  I had no idea there were soooo many web sites on Hawaii! did you? Even a search site!?
(click here)
  Information about the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement, and so much more!
  One of the best sites I've found w/ upgrade, fixes & just about everything else for ALL flavors of WinDoze.
  Yes, I know... but there's MORE info on Hawaii Here: Aloha!
  Ready for a real nice internet relay chat?  *<(8-)  ...aww, how Qte!
BitchX BaBy! - nuff said.
this 1 is NOT for the computer challenged though...
(the BEST unix/linux (even a win98 flavor??) - IRC Chat program, download it, and RTHF! 8-P)
then join us on: sandiego.ca.us.chatnet.org:6667 irc server - in the #Hawaiichat channel
(:oh and btw, K9 is a bot :]  Don't be discouraged by the #BitchX help chan 0ps/users, most've been doing it for years, & r quite burnt out = crispy even :)
  And, here's Sarah's homepage (courtesy of Nettwerk music)
  Another place with extensive links to more Hawaii sites...last one!
  "For the aspiring writer"...an inspiring place to peruse...you will not be disappointed.
The name..."ZuZu's Petals"...cool.
  Here's a pretty good "file sharing" replacement for that [Napster] thingie:
  file sharing? at the latest "best" w/ NO SPYWARE!
  and, to play your mp3's...
  The Best mp3 player OuT tHerE: WinAmp
  ...nuff said.

"To live in sacred space is to live in a symbolic environment where spiritual life is possible,
where everything around you speaks of exaltation of the spirit.
In sacred space, everything is done so that the environment becomes a metaphor."

Joseph Campbell

For a different Search...

Please, take the time to visit the :

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

You Can Help find a missing child

Or, you can see a list of missing children in your home state, right now. Copy and paste the link below into your browser's URL window, replace the two letter state abreviation in the link with the state abreviation of your choice, remember to capitalize it.


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"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and sense in which he has attained liberation from the self."

Albert Einstein

Steve Humphers Home Page Pavan Krishnamurthy's Home Page Wilhelm & Marta's Home Page
Just in case you missed it:
Brother Steve's Home Page!
Don't forget to visit:
Sonu's Home Page!
Wilhelm & Marta's
Home Page!

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Aloha, Mahalo and Ya'll Come Back Now, Yahea!

"Like two golden birds perched on the self same tree, intimate friends, the ego and the Self dwell in the same body.
The former eats the sweet and sour fruits of the tree of life, while the latter looks on in detachment."

The Mundaka Upanishad

"Few are those content with the direction their lives have taken; fewer are the men and women willing to learn why their destiny feels outside their control; and fewer still are those individuals who persist upon the path of self-discovery until realizing the truth of why their worlds unfold as they do."

Guy Finley (as with most non-credited quoted text herein)

"As long as anything in this world means anything to you, your freedom is only a word. You are like a bird that is held by a leash; you can only fly so far."

Francis Fenelon

"I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty. You don't grasp the fact that what is most alive of all is inside your own house; and so you walk from one holy city to the next with a confused look!."


"Doubt is the vestibule which all must pass before they can enter the temple of Wisdom. When we are in doubt and puzzle out the truth by our own exertions, we have gained something that will stay by us and serve us again. But, if to avoid the trouble of the search we avail ourselves of the superior information of a friend, such knowledge will not remain with us; we have not bought, but borrowed it."

Caleb Colton

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear."

New Testament

"Self-government is indeed, the noblest rule on earth; the object of a loftier ambition than the possession of crowns or scepters."

John Caird

"Bring all of yourself to his door; bring only a part, and you've brought nothing at all."

Hakim Sanai

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who fasely believe they are free"

Johann von Goethe

and "the movie's, over! done, and you're already perfectly FREE"
enjoy! *<(8-)


"As a Spiritual Warrior you need to get this very clear:

'If I am with the All, then I am not in tension or in need.
I know I am with all things.
I do not feel lack or pressure.
I am poised. I am silent, peaceful.
I can deal with any form that comes my way and let it go.
I am not bound to anything.'

This is correct imagination."

- John-Roger
(From: Spiritual Warrior, The Art of Spiritual Living)

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