Fun Recipes!


1 part cornstarch
1 part water
food coloring/tempera

Mix cornstarch with water and colour. Pour mixture into a tub. lots of gooey fun!


Pure soap flakes
Boiling water

Mix together soap flakes and boiling water in a large bucket, leave overnight until mixture is slimy and runny. Tint with tempera as desired and pour into a tub.

Tooth Paste Putty

2tsps toothpaste (creamy)
4tsp cornstarch
2tsp white glue (PVA)
1 1/2 tsp water

Mix toothpaste, glue and cornstarch together in a dish. Add water. mix until you have a lump of putty. Wash and dry hands. Model. The putty begins to dry very quickly and will dry rock hard in 24 hours.

Soap Balls

2 cups pure soap flakes
2 tbsp water
food colouring

Pour flakes in a bowl. Add coloued water gradually until you can form a ball with the mixyure. Experiment with other shapes. Can be used as soap!

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