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Sherlock Holmes on the Web

Remembrances & Anniversaries

"I remember the date very well ..."

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You can 'Keep Green the Memory' in many ways with this listing, read the story; watch the movie/show; listen to the audio tape; tie it in to a meeting; or raise a glass to salute those still with us, and those sadly missed. If you know of any noteworthy events that pertain to Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, or related areas and think they should be included, or if I have an error, please let me know

Can't wait for the weekly updates? Need to find a particular date right away? Drop by Classic Specialties - Sherlock Holmes Shoppe to pick up your copy of 366 Excuses for a Sherlockian Party

My thanks to fellow date nut Joel Senter of
Classic Specialties - Sherlock Holmes Shoppe
for filling in some blank dates and expanding on others.

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Updated: December 15, 2002

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