My Favorite Books

This is a list of authors and books that I have enjoyed.

My favorite form of recreational reading is Science Fiction.  It is mostly a hopeful view of the future of humanity.  Some of the authors and books I have read follow.

Edgar Rice Burroughs  Mainly for the John Carter Martian series.  When I was ten my father bought me my first "grown up book", number seven in the Martian series.  I was hooked on Science Fiction from that day on.  I still remember the place and time of day that he bought it for me.

Robert Heinlein  Wonderful reading, I especially liked Citizen of the Galaxy.


Issac Asimov  My favorite of the older writers.  He has a way of painting a picture that is memorable.  I particularly enjoyed Pebble in the Sky.  It is one of the rarer older books that tells the story from the perspective of a man in his twighlight years.

Arthur C. Clarke  Wonderful!   I love Rendezvous with Rama the best.  What a great writer.


Frank Herbert  I have read several of his books but found that Dune is my favorite and the one I will read again and again.   He paints a picture of a different world/universe that is very captivating.  His son has written a couple of books that take place prior to the start of his series.  They are excellent reads.

Samuel Delany  I am totally impressed with his books Babel 17 and Nova.  I enjoyed reading them very much.   They are two of my favorite books.


Gordon Dickson  What a great fun writer.  His whole Dorsai series is a great read.  I am most impressed with his Pilgrims Hope book.  It is outside of that Dorsai universe.


Robert Silverberg  I loved Lord Valentines Castle.  I learned how to juggle just by reading this book.   wonderful read.  I also liked some of his other books.


Orson Scott Card  What a story teller.  I find that his books have taken me through the gamut of emotions.  He has a way of touching you.  It isn't very often that I find myself laughing, or even crying when reading a book, with him it does happen.  Songbird is a particularly good book of his. I had tears of happiness with Songbird.  I was actually shaking with anger and tears of sorrow with Harts Hope.  The Ender series is a particularly nice read and has some refreshing views on other forms of life/souls etc.

David Brinn  He is my favorite of the newest group of writers.  I particularly enjoy his uplift series of books.  He tells a tale of a universe that is not very friendly to us Humans and how we must go out of our way to survive among much more powerful forces.

Peter Hamilton  I have read all of his books that are out right now.  Excellent reading.


Douglas Adams  One of my favorite books, the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.  Wow what a great book!  If the universe is infinite then there is an infinite number of possibilities.  For example he describes a sentient creature somewhere out there that is a bed mattress.


Tolkien  The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, wow.  I will read and reread many books.  I would add these to any list of books that I would want with me wherever I am.



Terry Pratchet  Now this guy knows how to make you laugh!  I found myself in China reading a book of his that was spoofing Chinese and Asian cultures.  It was living the book in many ways.  What a laugh.


Michael Crichton  I have loved his writing since the Andromeda Strain.  I was very impressed recently with his book Timeline.

Non Science Fiction:

Umberto Echo  Name of the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum are incredible books.  Having read pendulum I found many historic questions answered regarding the knights of the Temple etc.

Alan Lightman  Einstein's Dreams is a must read for everyone.  It is spectacular.  This book is an eye opener!.  Imagine a world where time stands still, or imagine a world that only lasts 24 hours.  Each short chapter is a different angle on time.  You won't be disappointed.  


Boorstin  The Discoverers and The Creators are incredible history books.  If you wanted to know much about how we came to have 24 hours in a day or seven days a week etc. you will find Boorstin.  The Discoverers a fascinating journey.  It is not a "book of facts" and is told in a non-linear way.  For example there is a history of time or one of maps.  




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