Shishu Sansaar
  • Riddles 4


    Riddle 23 - Make a Word

    There is a word of three letters. Adding two letters more to it makes it fewer. What is that word?
    [See the answer on Riddles Answers 23]

    Riddle 24 - What is Common in These Words

    Can you make out what is common in these words?

    [See the answer on
    Riddles Answers 24]

    Riddle 25 - Fork and Mouth

    What has a fork and a mouth, but cannot eat?
    [See the answer on Riddles Answers 25]

    Riddle 26 - Hands and Face

    What is that which has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs?
    [See the answer on Riddles Answers 26]

    Riddle 27 - Measurement

    What is it which can be measured, but has no length, or breadth, or thickness?
    [See the answer on Riddles Answers 27]

    Riddle 28 - No Questions Only Answers

    What is that which never asks any question, but needs to be answered?
    [See the answer on
    Riddles Answers 28]

    Riddle 29 - Neck Without Head

    What is that which has a neck but no head?
    [See the answer on
    Riddles Answers 29]

    Riddle 30 - Ears, But No Hearing

    What is that which has ears but its ears can't hear?
    [See the answer on
    Riddles Answers 30]




    Created by Sushma Gupta on 05/27/2001
    Modified on 08/07/08
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