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Our All-Volunteer Staff

 Content Editor: John Shores
    E-mail the editor by clicking here
 Web Master: John Shores
    E-mail the webmaster by clicking here

Discussion Forums

Join the Ecotourism_Practice discussion forum.

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Join the Environmental_Funds discussion forum.

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Join the Responsible Coffee discussion forum.

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Last Updated: October 2003

Communicating with
The Shores System

We encourage visitors to contact us. Out of courtesy to our colleagues, please explore the resources on this website before asking for help with specific questions. We welcome discussions and discussion topics. Of course, any suggestions for improving this website are most welcome.

If you have documents that you would like to post for other colleagues to see, please contact us. While space on this site is limited, we can always add links to documents on other sites.

Site Under Construction -- Please be patient!

For more information, and to offer your services in compiling, contributing, and maintaining information for this site, please contact the webmaster, John Shores, by sending e-mail here.