Archives: September, August, July, June


June 29, 2002, 5:48 PM
I picked up the New York Post today at random (I only read it during the week because I can't be bothered with terror-threats, murderous rampages, or that catty South-hater Cindy Adams on the weekends). I needed something to read on my return from the illustrious Upper East Side where I stayed the night with my homie Kevondrala. We all (Master Arbuckle, The Grand Empress, Aarondrala De La Prixe, and myself) went to Splickity's last night were I found myself in many compromising situations and--at one point--spewing Heineken from my mouth across the chest of a big black man that might have wooped my ass if he weren't so damn nelly.

But that's another story.

Anyway, I discover that the Post printed a letter I wrote a week or so back. I thought they called people before they did that, because their "guidelines" for letters are very forthright about the need to verify identity before they print it and what-not. I could have missed it, but my little angel lead me to the news-stand and made sure I came across it.

In other news, it's Gay Pride Season here in the Big Apple, and tonight I'm going to Roxy--which doesn't sound like too much trouble, but you have to consider the factors in my life such as poverty and physical deterioration--so I might not be back to fully functioning member-of-society adulthood for a while.

P.S. The Mayor has stopped the recycling of plastic and glass to save money, so now not only will the city be trashier than ever, but I will have to go through my recycling by hand to remove all the bottles. :(

June 28, 2002, 3:19 PM
I went down for a smoke just now, and flying down Riverside Drive were cop car after cop car after cop van after truck after van after car. En route to who knows where.

This day and age in New York City, you don't just assume it's "oh nothing".

I ran into a co-worker when I was coming back up, who told me that Broadway is blocked off from 110th to who-knows-how-far up.

This is scary, of course.

This morning when I was coming through the campus to work I heard a loud BOOM and had a moment of panic.

More news as it develops.

June 27, 2002, 3:38 PM
This woman who wears wigs told me I need to get a haircut. There is an irony in that that I can't quite put my finger on.

I am losing it. LOSING IT. I don't know where it came from, but some imaginary freight train slammed into me while I stood facing it, right on the fucking tracks. My hands are all weak and shaky, my shoulders hurt, I have some wierd muscle/bone malfunction in my left calf, and I have a general frail and achey feeling throughout my body. Additionally, my mind is fading in and out of and my vision is blurry. I have diagnosed myself with carpal tunnel, spinal meningitis, and brain cancer.

I called my doctor. Of course, his next open appointment is weeks away, and he hasn't bothered to return my calls regarding my soon-and-certain death.

I just want to go home and fall out. I would take the day off tomorrow, but I made a committment (if it's against your will, is it really a made committment?) to a co-worker to do something important.

I have had to reboot this fucking computer 10 times today.

June 27, 2002, 12:10 PM
I just realized that I often confuse June and July. This has been corrected throughout. What can I say except that I'm one month ahead of myself.

June 27, 2002, 9:57 AM

I should have salvaged something.
I should have saved my best.
I should have waited for the One.
But I gave it all to the rest.

Clearly, I am a poetic genius.

June 27, 2002, 9:30 AM

Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing.

June 26, 2002, 10:26 PM
I went to Midtown today to collect my money. The whole trip turned into Journey To The Center Of The Earth.

A summary of events would include subway delays, getting on the wrong train (yes, it happens to the best of us), thunder, lightening, and rain, a crazy man determined to drive me crazy while I waited for the torrential downpour to pass under the canopy of Rinky Dinky Coffee Shop, a widespread conspiracy among banks and check-cashers preventing me from getting my money, and one too many crowded, smelly bus rides.

I was gone from the office for three hours and no one even missed me.

Upon my return, there was a little going away party for this man, complete with cake, crab cakes, and beverages. I felt I had earned it, even though it wasn't for me.

Then we had a staff meeting regarding the summer schedule. Monday through Thursday I'll be working 45 minutes longer per day...but on Fridays I get my ass out of there at 12:45. I love this place.

As my boss said, "Well, let's not push it."

June 26, 2002, 9:51 AM
The Village Voice published a letter I wrote in the issue that came out today. I was proud of this so I told my father to be sure to look for it. Of course, now my father, who would never look at the Village Voice without a specific reason, will find that on the cover there is a huge penis made of flowers, the headline The Return of Public Sex and the overall title The Queer Issue. Just trying to make Dad proud, you know.

Speaking of that letter, it hurt to pick up the issue, find the letters page, and to see that it had been edited more than what was discussed via telephone--not very much, but enough to where I felt my exact meaning and emotions were not conveyed. My boss and my homegirl here tell me it's the same meaning conveyed to the reader. I'm coping with it. Sigh.

In other news, I just called the temp agency who pimps me out at night to part time hell to ask them to hold my check there rather than send it to the site. Luckily for me it had not been sent yet. So I'm going on lunch to get paid. And then, I'm never going back to that hellish nightmare of work. Last night was the first night actually being on the phones, and it sucked so bad it made me physically sick and I had to get up and leave.

I feel bad of course, because the agency lady asked, "How's that going by the way?" to which I replied, "It's okay." "Just okay?" she I told her. No, not just okay, it is torture. "But are you hanging in there?" I said I was. I'm a filthy liar.

More news as it develops. Over and out from the cube--

June 24, 2002, 4:13 PM
Saturday night I had alcohol induced paralysis, and found myself wiggling my feet as they hung over the end of the hostess's bed. I was BEAT. Defeated by the drink, destroyed by the swirly head of a drunk. I'm getting too old for this.

Somehow though I rallied like Omnimedia stock upon Martha Stewart's denial of wrong-doing. I managed to put my shoes back on, ignore anyone who had laughed at my semi-conscious state, and tell everyone that the official Going To Luxx Movement had began. My homeboy Kevondrala and I were true leaders that evening.

A little red pill and white snorty stuff came into the picture somewhere, but it's blurry in all honesty.

Next, were on the dance floor, watching the show. Morplay was really good. The guy that went on before them--don't remember his name--was good too, but the wierd vocal effect combined with high volume speakers that were right by my head made me loose hearing in my right ear, which still affects me today. At least I don't feel like it's bleeding any more...

After Luxx I was in a cab in one of those the-next-thing-I-know moments of my life, heading to some girl's apartment in Park Slope. I objected vehemently to this, of course, after I was in the cab. I also pitched a rare fit at the suggestion that we split the cab between the 6 of us. Cause I had no desire to go walk her sister's slobbering dogs and then go to her place.

So me and J-Boogie made it back--somehow--to Willy's Burg and the next morning she drove me home.

I did absolutely nothing on Sunday, except realize that I have committed myself to attending all these gay pride events that I will have no interest in come this weekend, when Manhattan becomes a land of wigs and rainbows.

God save me from what circuit parties and pier dances, and aggressive homosexuality in general...

I know--I love it. That's the real problem.

June 21, 2002, 4:07 PM
This is my favorite cartoon-episode ever, for soo many reasons.

June 21, 2002, 12:38 AM
My part time job was cancelled tonight, until Monday. This should be something I'm disappointed about, because I need the money, but I had raise my hands up and praise JESUS for it.

So I used that time to go participate in debauchery. I always ask myself "why am I doing this" too long after the fact.

Anyway, I have decided, in the last three hours or so, to become celibate. Yeah, right. We'll see how long this lasts.

June 20, 2002, 1:05 PM
At work for the past two days, I have spent an insane amount of time playing The Rock Star Game. I'm not doing so good yet, but I think I'm alright for 2 days reality/2 weeks game-time. My band is called "Money Girls" and our single "Tennessee Homesick Blues" (with b-sides "Bad Boys" and "Thunderdome") is gonna blow up on your ass! It's something to do at work, ok?

June 20, 2002, 11:10 AM
This is so funny it hurts. You know, the same kind of pain the truth is known to cause.

June 18, 2002, 11:37 AM
I started my part-time job last night and I can already tell from training that it is going to be hellish torture from which I will burn out QUICK. The thing with temp agencies is that they start typecasting you into these slots, doing shit that you hate*. At my temp agency now all I get is phone work, which would not be bad for mindless part time b.s., but it's outbound calling. For five hours per night I will be calling people who are, to say the least, not happy to be hearing my pleasant, articulate speech. (*I think that's the only kind of work they get, though.)

Uptown, and the living is easy, here at the Day Job. The Bill Payer. The Full Time, the Nine to Five, the Cubicle Adventure That Never Ends. In this area there is a lot of filming for TV and movies, and a lot of photo-shoots, because it really is a fucking gorgeous area with diverse architecture and what not.

Along with the filming casts and crews comes catering. When I come of the bus in the morning, for the past week and a half, there has been a huge breakfast spread that looks so tasty. Of course I'm always hungry in the mornings, and each day that passes it is getting harder and harder for me to resist running up, swiping a plate, and running off. Or, better yet, casually strolling up and acting like I'm on the production team and somebody better get some fucking strawberry cream cheese and a toaster out here PRONTO! I have been wearing a tie lately. I could fit right in...

Speaking of wearing ties, I learned a lesson a few months ago that I am just now putting into use. People treat a man in a tie differently than a man in, say, "business casual". Try it. Once co-workers and supervisors alike get over there suspicions about why you're suddenly all dressed up (which happens quickly) they look at you, and talk to you, and interact with you on a whole new level of The Interpersonal. It's kind of a magical sociological law, or something.

And for the record, it's not only those above you, alonside you, and under you at work, but it's also strangers on the street. For example, no one's rushing to get you in-and-out with your iced coffee and your change at 7:30 AM if you're just some schmoe. But if your some schmoe in a tie, apparantly that implies that you are in an important rush, and YOU NEED YOUR FRIGGIN' COFFEE POST HASTE BIATCH!

Sociology. Society. Conventions thereof. ...Sad but true facts of the world we live in.

June 16, 2002...7:53 PM
A friend of mine wished me a happy F.D. today because I am the proud parent of a fish-daughter named Moesha. I could write volumes about my beloved miracle fish, but I'll save that for another day.

I've just returned from Willy's Burg where I had a night of rambunction.

It's a beautiful day and it's winding down now.

June 15, 2002...2:54 PM
For a long time I have been saying that I want to expand my ring of friends. Last night I hung out with this guy that works in my building after running around uptown looking at his apartment prospects, and I realized why there are so few people in the Inner Circle. Whoever said, "Good friends are hard to find" was right. Good people are hard to find, and after I saw the true colors shining through, I have to say That's not why I love you.

It all started after work and we hopped up to 150th Street on a search for some seedy street-corner drug slinger, whose not being there was a hidden blessing because I changed my mind about what I wanted and how much. While we were up there, we looked at these apartments which were really rooms with shared baths and kitchens in a seedy building (actually it was a nice building) and I realized that while my apartment is run by a slumlord and is caving in on itself it is so much better than what I could be living in. Not that I'm above such living conditions--I've experienced worse in my days--but for those insane prices, why not live somewhere NICE?

Anyway this guy is staying with my homegirls in Willy's Burg. Somehow he wound up without an apartment and K-Boogie overextended herself by offering him a place to stay for the time being. Now they think he's just trying to worm his way in there for the long term. They are really kind of annoyed by him, as it was revealed to me on the teleprompter of experience that he is needy for attention/company etc. Not like the girls, who like to be alone from time to time.

So we hauled it back out to Astoria City. and drank some beers and smoked some blunts. And I started to realize how catty this guy is. How boring someone like me must be to someone like him, as I am a "simple" person (I think that word was even used) in that I don't require a lot of things to be happy in life. In other words, I don't have a lot of entertainment in the crib to offer.

To make a long story longer, we finally went out to Krickety's here in Astoria. (It took me a while to establish the outfit I would wear.) By this point I was tingling from all the toxins I had put into my body. My homeboy met us out there. It was fun...

Then the guy from work spent the night on the futon. This morning I kind of ushered him out subtley, as I was en route to the 2-for-1 sale at Genovese (it's the small things in life that make me happy).

I don't know what I'm really trying to say about this guy, other than that people in this world, and in this "lifestyle", have fucked up ideas about other people and themselves. It is very assuming--like, "I'm catty and self-centered and self-obsessed and a jealous hearted personification of vanity, so you must be too, even though you come off like that." And when you finally find some way to express what you really are, people are so confused by the concept of someone who is honest-to-God good hearted.

Let me stop before I make even less sense.

In other news, there are two portraits in New York City that I am obsessed with and want to steal. The first is in a bar called Rising in Park Slop of Eva Peron. The second, and perhaps the most important of these two, is the picture of Jackie-O in this diner in L.I.C.

In other news I think I got a new night-job from the staffing agency to which I have infamously reciprocated their abuse. I have to call Monday and finalize this agreement to provide services on their behalf.

Hasta la luna...

June 14, 2002...9:45 AM
Yesterday I was given the responsibility of entertaining my boss's mom and nephew while she was in a meeting. So we just chatted here in the cube all morning. Her little nephew is so adorable. He's like a miniature adult. He was playing his gameboy and informed me he knows all the "cheats" on that game. He also gave me a remarkable (albeit wrong) definition of "onomotopea". Most people wish their jobs were as glamourous as mine, truly.

Last night I dreamed that there was a huge street party in Astoria. Not just a street party, but a block party, a mulitiple block party even. And I was out in the middle of this party, of course, getting my drink on and mingling with the Astorians on the sidewalks, hanging out on their balconies, wandering through the streets celebrating something...I'm not quite sure what.

Then it dawned on me--I had a hit single. Like many great Queensians before me, I had burst onto the music scene! I could hear my song from all around me, as clear as if I were actually awake. It was a very intricate series of beats over which my vocals were layed. The catch line to my song was fitting: "Pills are 50 bucks a pop." Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Not only was I a famous performer now, but also in this new, dreamy Astoria, I had a lover who found me in the middle of my personal celebration. I was so happy to see him! He was everything I could ever hope for (I mean, it was my dream), and from his amazingly decorated white Navy uniform, I guess he had just gotten off the boat, on some kind of shore-leave or something.

We embraced, and that's when I realized that the front of his uniform was covered in mud. He said he already knew, and that he wasn't sure how that had happened. I got very, very sad. I couldn't make sense of it.

Next, his cell phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket--it was one of those old school big ass cell phones--and flipped it open, and he looked confused. "No one's there," he said.

He handed it to me. I put it up to my ear and an mechanical voice says to me, "We're going to blow you up, you piece of shit."

Paralyzing fear overcame me. Then there was nothing left of the party that had once surrounded me but the trash people had left behind. Even my lover was gone. So I started running home.

The phone rang again, I answered, and the sound of the voice this time was to the beat of a big, black SUV's sound system parked off to the side. The doors open and four men emerged, all in black with their faces covered. I kept running. I ran through a dark alley and did a matrix-style jog along the wall itself. I was running, looking behind me, and they were still coming... When I turned back to look ahead of me, they were right there at the end of the alley.

The one in front popped a cap in my head, and I fell down off the wall, and faded into something black and dark which turned out to be my bedroom. I woke up.

I get shot in dreams a lot.

I had a bunch more dreams last night and the night before that I can't really remember. I do remember the image of a cabin I stayed in on a traumatic trip to Leakey (pronounced "Lakey") Texas, wherein the floors were flooded and a little turtle was carrying a big peice of strait-up SHIT on its back. Pretty wierd.

I have been going to bed around 6:30 pm and getting up twelve hours later, so I figure these dreams are the creations of a mind bored with all this sleep.

Nothing else has really happened lately because I've been fucking ASLEEP for mad hours.

Today I'm making an appointment with an old friend of mine we'll just call "Co Co". And we're gonna take the weekend by storm.

June 13, 2002...9:41 AM
I have this...problem where I get all into keeping online journals and then freak out for one reason or another and delete them. Let it be hereby known that I am putting a little link on all those dead-and-gone diaries that points to me here in the heart of Geocities. Here, I stand alone! I am not even going to put a sitemeter on here so as not to be obsessed with checking the fucker. Ok, I may in the future withdraw the No Sitemeter Policy. But for right now, it's The Policy and it stands.

Well I am still trying to figure out the best way to do this diary on Geocities. I will just add the entries, I suppose, here on index.html, but as time goes on and I want to archive by month, etc etc, I'll have to hone my HTML skills and start doing some fancy shit. In the meantime it will just be the entries in reverse order and the "There Is A Light Above My Head" up there. Well, actually the light is coming through her face. But the line from the song says, "above my head". Ok, getting off track here.

Additionally, maybe someday when I am $8.95 per month richer I will get my own domain name. I used to have one, but I cancelled it because all my big plans to build a dot com empire...well, I just didn't follow through on them. So now I'm taking a baby step towards my dot com empire. As Master P would say, "DANJA! WATCH YASELF!"

Hasta luego...

June 11, 2002...11:59 AM
Well I guess today I will kick off this here diary, journal, weblog, or whatever you want to call it. I am putting this online because I need a place to have my own little catharsis. I need a place to purge. People who know me know that when I get crazy I like to do it in public. So here it is: online evidence that, yes, I have officially lost my cooks.

June 10, 2002
This here is going to be my weblog.

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