Music Preview/Purchase Links


Here are several links to sites where music can be purchased or downloaded.

CD Purchases

CDNow BMG Borders Books and Music

Music available for downloading

Direct Audio Great site to download LiquidAudio files.
LiquidAudio Download LiquidAudio software! Great site to download mp3 files.

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-----------------------------6997608817677 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="rubric.html" Content-Type: text/html MusicQuest Rubric

Evaluation Rubric for "A Teen's Personal Guide to Music on the Web!"

Grades will be based on the following rubric. Students must attempt to meet all the requirements for each step. Missing requirements will lower the grade. Students must also be able to show knowledge of the concepts and techniques of the chosen software application.
MusicQuest Rubric (5 points possible for each step)
Step Points Comments
1 Introduction • •
2 Favorite Groups/Composers • •
3 Preview/Purchase/Download Music • •
4 Computer Music • •
5 World Music • •
6 Summary • •
Grand Total
• •
Grading Scale
A = 27-30
B = 24-26
C = 21-23
D = 18-20
F = 0-17

Back to "A Teen's Personal Guide to Music on the Web"

-----------------------------6997608817677 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="search.html" Content-Type: text/html General Music Search Sites

General Music Search Sites


Here is a collection of music search sites. These are all excellent places to begin your searches.

Yahoo!:Entertainment:Music Great starting point for any music search!
AskJeeves Great place to ask a question like "What is MIDI?"
LookSmart Great music search engine!
RollingStone Online magazine with group bios and downloadable music!
VH1 Online site of cable music video station.
MusicSearch Great music search engine!
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame Web site of hall of fame in Cleveland, Ohio.

Back to "A Teen's Guide to Music on the Web"

-----------------------------6997608817677 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="teacher.html" Content-Type: text/html Teacher Page for MusicQuest Link to Student Page
A Teen's Personal Guide to Music on the Web

Designed by

David Dineen

Introduction | Content Areas | Standards | Implementation | Resources | Entry Skills | Evaluation | Variations | Conclusion



This lesson was developed as a project for the course, Telecommunications in Education - ICG 767, at UNLV during the summer term of 1999.

This lesson was developed for music and/or computer application students in junior or senior high school. There are many new ways to find and purchase music on the web. CD's may soon be a thing of the past! Currently, you can preview and download your favorite songs from the internet and create your own CD's or mp3 disks! And - you don't have to purchase the whole collection of songs from a CD; you can choose just your favorite tracks! Also, the internet holds a wealth of information like finding/previewing/downloading music, finding information on your favorite groups, finding resources for creating music with a computer, and finding information and listening to music from around the world! Students will benefit greatly from learning about these new technologies!

Content Area and Grade Level
This WebQuest is designed for junior/senior high school students in computer application or music courses. Students in either of these areas will benefit from this WebQuest. The "Personal Music Guide" can be produced with a variety of software applications, depending on the experience of the students and the objectives of the course.

Curriculum Standards

Students will learn much about music, the Internet, and computer applications during this lesson. The instructor will have to decide whether the focus should be on music, the Internet, software application, or a combination of all these elements!

National Music Standards Addressed

Computer Standards Addressed This lesson is a very creative endeavor which demands that a student can stay on task and complete a project. Because of the topic of music, most students will find this an enjoyable experience!

Implementation Overview

This lesson is organized in steps. If the students can stay focused on the steps and complete them in order, they will have little or no problems. This lesson can probably be completed in one school week as long as the students are comfortable with the Internet and the software application that is required. Another option is to complete this project over the course of a quarter or semester, especially in the one computer classroom.

Resources Needed

The following are needed to implement this lesson:

The instructor needs to be actively involved in this lesson. If possible, the instructor may want to disable any filters that may be in use. These often block sites that are of interest to students and can be used appropriately if ground rules have been established and discussion on proper Internet usage is ongoing. The instructor should monitor students' activities on the Internet continuously and be on hand for student assistance.

Entry Level Skills and Knowledge

Students should have some basic skills prior to beginning this lesson.

The instructor must feel confident in the software application that is chosen to create the music guide and should be very comfortable in utilizing the Internet.


An excellent "Personal Guide to Music on the Web" will contain a great insight to the musical experiences of the student. Students should be able to communicate why they enjoy the music they have highlighted in the guide. Hopefully, the world music component will encourage them to look outside their culture for other musical experiences. An excellent "Personal Guide to Music on the Web" will be a great tool for the student to use as his/her personal resource to music in his/her own home!

The MusicQuest Rubric is very easily implemented. There are 5 points possible for each of the 6 steps of the project. The instructor should take into account the requirements in the process and application of the software chosen for the project.

Possible Variations

As already mentioned, there are several variations that are possible. Most variations are part of the decision of which software application should be used to produce the music guide. This WebQuest is a great way to focus the attention of students who are applying techniques of word processing, web creation, or presentation software!


Students really enjoy music and really enjoy computers. Combine the two in an online lesson, and student motivation and morale will soar!

Last updated on May 22,2000 by David T. Dineen

Based on a template from The WebQuest Page

Graphics Courtesy of Music Graphics Galore!

-----------------------------6997608817677 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="webquest.html" Content-Type: text/html A Teen's Personal Guide to Music on the Web

A Teen's Personal Guide to Music on the Web

a WebQuest for middle/high school music or computer application students

by David Dineen

Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion  | Teacher's Guide


Have you ever gone to the mall and bought a record? Have you ever seen or held a 45? Does your parents' car have an 8 track player? If you've answered "no!" to any of these questions, you are most likely a member of the millennium generation. Your generation is experiencing great advances in technology in music like never seen before! Most of you currently buy music cd's from retail stores, but there are many new ways to find and purchase music on the web. CD's may soon be a thing of the past! Currently, you can preview and download your favorite songs from the internet and create your own CD's or MP3 disks! And - you don't have to purchase the whole collection of songs from a CD; you can choose just your favorite tracks! Also, the internet holds a wealth of information like finding/previewing/downloading music, finding information on your favorite groups, finding resources for creating music with a computer, and finding information and listening to music from around the world! As part of this new generation, you will be pioneering these new advances in music technology!


The Task

Your task is to produce a document (word processing, web page, or multimedia presentation) that will serve as your own personal guide to music on the web. This document must contain the following:



Here are some valuable resources to get you started. If these do not help, feel free to use well known reliable search engines!
General Music Search Links Groups/Composer Search Links Music Preview/Purchase Links Computer Music Links World Music Links


The Process

The process is relatively simple. Do not get overwhelmed! Your instructor will decide what type of document you are to prepare based on what you already know. Here are the steps to follow. When you have finished step 6, you are done! The first step is always the most difficult to take. So take a deep breath and get started!

1•  Introduce yourself and your musical interests

Begin with  a paragraph to introduce something about you and how your musical interests have developed. Some questions you may want to use as a basis for this introduction are the following:

You may also want to include a graphic or picture of yourself here.

2•  Favorite groups/composers (minimum of 3)

For this section, you need to write a paragraph for each of your favorite groups/composers. Be sure to include all of the following for each group/composer:

3• Sites to preview/purchase/download music

You are a pioneer in the newest technologies of purchasing music for your personal collections. Trips to music stores to purchase overpriced CD's that contain 1 track that you want with 13 tracks of songs you will never play are a thing of the past! There are many sites available to preview music before you buy. With MP3 players and software like LiquidAudio, you can download your favorite tracks and burn your own CD's!

Your mission in this section is to find a minimum of 3 sites to preview and/or purchase music on the web. Be sure that at least 1 site allows you to download audio files in MP3 or LiquidAudio formats. Write a paragraph for each site and be sure to include the following:

4• Music from different cultures

Sometimes we all get "lost" in our own little world and culture. Sometimes its hard to reach out and discover that there is music out there that may be of interest to us. This section will help to expose you to music of cultures other than your own. Perhaps you may pursue these interests further in the future!

Your mission in this section is to find 3 countries other than your own whose music you enjoy. You may reach into your own ethnic/cultural background or venture into other cultures. You must write a paragraph for each country/culture that you have chosen. Be sure to include the following for each:

5• Creating music with a computer

Much of the music heard today on radio, tv, or in the movies is composed and performed with the use of a computer. Music workstations are fairly inexpensive and fairly easy to use.

Your mission is to delve into the world of computer generated music and find some resources in case you are ever interested in pursuing computer music! You must find 4 sites for this section:

  1. Online computer/music magazine
  2. MIDI resource (Be sure this site can answer the following: what is MIDI?, how to set up MIDI?)
  3. Online music store (where to purchase music software/hardware online)
  4. A site to get your new music heard online
Write a paragraph for each site and be sure to include the following:

6  Summary

Write a paragraph that summarizes your experience in this WebQuest. Some items you may want to include in this paragraph are the following:



You will be evaluated on your completed personal guide and your participation in this project. Please refer to the Rubric for more details!



Wow! You completed your mission! Hopefully, you have been exposed to some new musical experiences on the web and you have a great music guide that you can use and continue updating in the future!


Last updated May 22, 2000

Based on a template from The Webquest Page.


Music Graphics courtesy of Music Graphics Galore!

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