The Greatest Band In The World - KISS

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When I was a kid, quite some time ago, I couldn't hear enough KISS. I used to sit and listen to KISS ALIVE for hours. My favorite was Peter Criss. I loved the drums. I was in heaven when I heard the '100,000 Years' drum solo. Then, KISS ALIVE II came out. Again, I couldn't get enough of the solo in 'God Of Thunder'. Every Holloween I would dress up like Peter Criss. I even tried to play the drums exactly like him, every crash, every double bass and every drum roll. Then, tragedy hit. Peter Criss left the band. I was devestated. KISS was not the same. Oh, I still followed them, they were still my favorite band, but, something was missing...

Then...1996 came around. All that changed. They got back together. I could't believe it. Was it true? Maybe they were faking. I've seen tribute bands that acted like KISS (such as Strutter). They were very good, but not the same. I even took my kids (5,6 and 10 years old) to see Strutter. They loved them, but even they new they weren't the 'real' KISS. The only way to know for sure if the 'real' KISS was back was to see them for myself...

On September 15, 1996, in Pensacola, Florida, my wife, my 10 year old son and I saw that they were back. I knew it was really them when I heard Peter Criss try to hit that high note at the end of 'Beth'. It sounded bad, but they were great. WELCOME BACK GUYS!!! What took you so long?


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