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    Planet Irata

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    Back to 8-Bit Computers
    Atari 130XE
    Model Atari 130XE
    Processor MOS Technology 6502C 1.79MHz (NTSC)
    1.77MHz (PAL)
    Custom LSI Chips ANTIC Microprocessor dedicated to the television display. It retieves the diplay list and display data from RAM using direct memory access (DMA). It processes the higher level instructions in the display list and translates these instructions into a real-time stream of simple instructions to GTIA.
    GTIA A television interface chip. Converts the digital commands from ANTIC (or the 6502 directly) into the signal that goes to the television. GTIA also adds color values, player-missle graphics, and collision detection.
    POKEY Digital I/O chip. Handles the serial I/O bus, audio generation, keyboard scan, and random number generation. Also digitizes the resistive paddle inputs and controls maskable interrupt (IRQ) requests from peripherals.
    PIA (not sure)
    FREDDY A RAM address multiplexer. It takes the address and clock from the CPU and multiplexes it with the appropriate timings and signals to use DYNAMIC memory. FREDDY also buffers the system clock crystal and divides it down then feeds that to GTIA.
    Memory 128K RAM
    24K ROM
    Operating System XL OS (In ROM)
    Interfaces Cartridge Slot 16K address space
    (2) Joystick (serial) Ports 9-pin D-Type
    Atari Serial I/O (SIO)
    Enhanced Cartridge Interface Provides direct memory access
    RF Interface
    Sound 4 channels 3.5 octaves each channel
    Keyboard 62 keys Full stroke (typewriter-style)
    Function Keys Reset, Option, Select, Start, Help
    Built-in Software Self Test
    Basic Rev. C
    Announced 1985 Exact date unknown
    Released 1985 Exact date unknown

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