Whitee Saves the World

May 1, 2001...This is it...the mother of all rants. I hope you're sitting down because this is going to take a while. The goal of this rant is to outline an economic system that will solve all our problems. I invite you to e-mail me and call it a piece of shit, as long as you provide sound reason(s) why and have viable alternatives. Otherwise you can kiss my ass.

This system will not solve all of our problems by next Tuesday, but it will fundamentally change our society. To subscribe to this theory you must have two things: faith in human nature and belief in Maslow's Hiarchy of Needs.

Maslow's Hiarchy of Needs

Maslow contended that people are driven first and foremost by making sure they have the basics: food, shelter, health. Many people have that so they've moved up a notch. Now they're looking for security, freedom from fear, etc. Many have that so they're trying to take care of business at the next level. That's where many are stuck. They've replaced love and other social needs with stuff. You know...stuff...bigger houses, bigger cars, 3 vcr's the latest toys, etc. To get this stuff, to feel safe and secure, you need money. More money gets you more stuff. I know this is a rather simplistic explanation and usage of Maslow's theory, but it serves it's purpose. You can use many other theories of motivation and the arguement will still work.

[Stick with me kids, I'm getting to the good part]

Here's the catch...you never have enough stuff. Never. Why? Because when you have enough stuff...they make better stuff. Yep. Better stuff. You, my friend have old stuff. The new stuff? You don't have it yet and that means you suck. You do. Don't believe me, look on TV...they tell you that you suck. You can't get laid if you don't buy this car or brand of potato chips. You're a loser if you don't have a cell phone that get's soccer scores from Iran. Now this is where I could digress and go on about corporations and how they only exist for those who have and those who don't. Read about that here.

I know, I know...get to the theory. But first, my explanation of the economic theory that most capitalists subscribe to. It's called the Trickle Down Theory of Economics (I don't know if that's the official name but work with me). Basically, if you let rich people get richer, in the course of getting richer their money will somehow, magically trickle down to us, the little people. Here's the catch...most rich people only use their money to stay rich. Go figure. And another thing, they don't like other people to get rich either.

I don't have any problem with people becoming rich. Honest. I DO have a problem with people becoming rich, staying rich or getting richer at the expense of those who are not or never will be able to.

Oh, I know what your saying: "OK smart guy. What do you think we should do?" I'm glad you asked. My theory of Trickle UP Economics is pretty simple. Take care of everyone's needs at Maslow's first level. Everyone. That crazy dude that hangs around the subway and Bill Gates. Everything. Food, clothing, shelter, education and health care. And I don't mean government cheese, food stamps, the same color shirts and a bunch of shitty housing projects. Real food, not Doritos, grown by real non-commercial farmers. Real fucking houses. And listen up...there should be absolutely no profit incentive in anything related to health care. None. All the wankers who became doctors to get rich can do liposuction for the Forbes family and Elizabeth Taylor.

When people have their basic fundamental needs taken care of, they can be responsible for the stuff on the other levels of Maslow's Hiarchy. Most of you probably think I'm fucking nuts by now. That may be, but what the hell are YOU doing about the shit going on? To break this up a bit, click on the links below:

The benefits of Trickle Up Economics.
How do we pay for this?
You commie, pinko, liberal scum!

Reverend Whitee

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