Chris' Homepage

My name is Chris. I was born in New York in the 80's. I currently live with my mom and my sister. My dad moved out to LA when I was five to try to make it as an actor. He failed. I grew up in Port Washington a town out on Long Island. My sister Jennifer is three years older than I am. My mom is in her forties and works in a hospital in the city. Both my parents grew up in New York. My dad lived in Jamaica and my mom grew up on the Island. My dad's parents immigrated to America. My Grandmother came from Greece and my Grandfather came from Ireland. My mom on the other hand is a mix of multiple cultures.

Now in the year 2002 I'm a student at Schreiber High School, Port Washington, NY. School is the least of my worries in my teenage years. I have more than the necessity of time when it comes to my social life and hobbies. I play Baseball, Football, Hockey, and I play basketball on and off. Every summer I go to California to visit my dad who has remarried and has another daughter. My older sister, Jen, is preparing to take on the real world. I have two cats whose names are Carrot and 911.

In the future I don't know what quite to expect of myself. I still don't know what I want to do, but I would like it to be involved in entertainment meaning TV and movies etc. My dad works in TV he's an editor at the TV stations FOX and NBC. I would like to remain living NY preferably in the City. I would like to live on the East Side of Manhattan, because that's where my aunt lives now and I know that area fairly well. In my life I want to get married and have at least one kid, but I wouldn't mind having two or three. I want to go to college at Notre Dame, but I think I would take a year off after high school and travel a little bit in Europe and all over the world, such as Greece, Hawaii, Italy, and the list continues.

My Portfolio:

  • "Hey Little Walter Review"
  • Love Scene Re-write
  • News Article
  • Critical Lense
  • Romeo and Juliet Final Project
  • Research Paper: The Magic Kingdom

  • Go to Ms. Gokturk's Page

    Email me, Im lonely