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Saskatchewan flag Coat of arms

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Saskatchewan ... middle Prairie Province

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Saskatchewan is the middle of the three Prairie Provinces of Canada. Alberta at its western boundary and Manitoba at the eastern boundary. North are the Northwest Terrritories and south the States of Montana and North Dakota. This province is located in the heart of North America. The northern zone rests on a formation of Precambrian rock characteristic of the Canadian Shield resulting in numerous lakes (over 100,000), rivers, bogs and rocky outcroppings. The southern part of the province is relatively flat, with occasional valleys created by erosion from the glacial era. This prairie zone is where most of the people live. Athabasca Provincial Park has sand dunes 30 meters high and semi-arid vegetation. Nowhere else in the world are dunes found this far north. The town of Estevan is the undisputed "sunshine capital" of Canada, getting 2540 hours of sunshine per year.

Contrary to popular belief, fully one half the province is covered by forest, one-third is farmland and one-eighth is fresh water. The principle industries are tourism, agriculture (huge crops of wheat ... wheat bundles have become an emblem), mining (uranium, coal) oil and natural gas. Saskatchewan's 14,000 oil wells produce about 12 percent of Canada's total oil output. In addition, with an estimated two thirds of the world's reserves, Saskatchewan is the leading exporter of potash. Many people who settled in Saskatchewan have family roots in Europe, Russia, Scandinavia and the British Isles. Although the province is dependent on the farm economy, two-thirds of its people live in the cities and towns. The largest city is Saskatoon.

Many historical events took place in the Province of Saskatchewan. For 200 years, the Hudson's Bay Company owned and administered the vast Northwest Territories. There are many parks and historic sites that can be visited today. The Métis, people of mixed European and Aboriginal descent, were among the first settlers, many of them having migrated from Manitoba. In the 1800's Canada's first and only naval battle took place in Batoche, Saskatchewan; when the HMSC Northcote sailed down the Saskatchewan River to battle the Metis during the uprising led by Louis Riel. Canada lost this only naval battle when the Metis took the Northcote out of commission by snapping off the smoke stack and setting the ship on fire. Many Indian Nations ran to Canada during the 1800's to avoid slaughter by the American Government and Calvary. Sitting Bull being the most famous of the Indian Chiefs.

During the formation of Canada, surveyors were sent out to Rupert's Land. These surveyors were mapping and transforming Canada through their measurements. The people of Saskatchewan were very independent individuals living without allegence to any country or sovereign. They rebelled against the surveyor's plans to reshape their colonies and lands. Most of the plots of land in Saskatchewan were formed in the manner of France: long strips of land coming off the lakes and rivers, allowing many individuals access to water. The new surveyors from Canada were surveying in the British tradition of hectares, which allowed only a few individuals the water access. Today in Saskatchewan you can still see some of the old land divisions. The Metis people in particular were forced to settle on the surveyed road allowances: long stips of land held aside for future roads; hence the Metis became known as the "Road Allowance People". (Go to my Metis page for more information on these people.

Saskatchewan is a very significant province historically. Many battles were raged in Saskatchewan during the formation of Canada. Come visit and see for yourself.

  • Joined Canada on September 01, 1905 when the remaining Rupert's Land was carved into two provinces and the Northwest Territories.
  • The name Saskatchewan comes from the Plains Indians' word "kisiskatchewan" -- meaning the river that flows swiftly.
  • Capital City is Regina  (located in the south of the province)
  • Total land and freshwater area of the Province is 65 million hectares and occupies 6.5% of Canada's land surface.
  • The population is estimated to be around 1 million (population, 1996) .... with most of the population located in Saskatoon and Regina.
  • Saskatchewan's motto is MULTIS E GENTIBUS VIRES (From many peoples, strength) ... which reflects the cultural diversity of this province.

Click here or picture for full size map of Saskatchewan Map of Saskatchewan
Click here or picture for full view of Saskatchewan's Coat of Arms Coat of Arms
Click to see Alberta's Provincial bird: the Sharp Tailed Grouse Sharp Tailed Grous
Click here or picture to see Saskatchewan's Provincial tree: the White Paper Birch White Birch
Click here or picture to see Saskatchewan's Provincial flower: the Western Red Lily Western Red Lily
Click here or picture to see Saskatchewan's Provincial animal: the White Tailed Deer White Tailed Deer
Click here or picture to see Saskatchewan's Provincial grass: Needle & Thread (Hesperostipa comata) Needle & Thread

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