portfolio. my ideas on paper

1. 2.


3. 4. 5.


6. 7.



angels, my fav.

portfolio. my ideas on paper.

family. the joy of my life.

friends. the other joy of my life.


1. a drawing , that i drew of a young girl in the late 1800's standing on hill.

2. a project using my first initial.

3 to 6 are projects that i worked on in the summer of 97' for community service. the were actually reproduced into paintings and are hanging in the Little Haiti Housing Association located in Little Haiti (it is close to my school.)

7. a project using my two initials.

8. this is a birds eye view of a model that i built for my model making class. it is a mall that i think is in existence or in the process. it is about 20" x 35". the scale is about 1/8 of a scale.