Last Updated: 8 April 1999
Launched: 1 February 1999

Welcome to Octobriana Online -- the Internet home of the cult Russian comic book heroine. Here you will find the definitive database of all things Octobriana, from her alleged beginnings in the Soviet Union during the 1960s, through to her modern-day, award-winning British comic book adventures.

If this is your first visit, and you're wondering who or what the hell Octobriana is, then read Octobriana: A Beginner's Guide first.

This site has been in production over the past couple of years by me, Stuart Taylor -- the writer/publisher of the current Artful Salamander range of Octobriana comics -- and I welcome any comments you may have about Octobriana and the site in general. If you have a sketch of Octobriana, then please submit it the Octobriana Online gallery -- the same goes for any letters you may have. The Octobriana Interactive section is primarily concerned with your input to Octobriana Online, so please be sure to use it comrades!

Some of the featured links below are not yet active. The main reason being that I want to give you a reason to keep coming back, and also because some of the features are still works in progress.

Thanks for visiting Octobriana Online, comrades.

Articles about, and extracts from, the Octobriana & The Russian Underground book by Petr Sadecky. Published in the West during 1971, this book marks the first mainstream appearance of Octobriana.

Petr Sadecky's book served to influence a wide variety of artists and performers... find out who in a collection of interviews and web links.

Formed in the UK during 1996, Revolution Comics published an award-winning, critically-acclaimed six issue mini-series about Octobriana -- the first time Octobriana starred in her own mainstream comic series.

  • About Revolution Comics (NEW!)
  • Octobriana: UKCAC '96 Preview
  • Octobriana 0
  • Octobriana 1 (NEW!)
  • Octobriana 2
  • Octobriana 3
  • Octobriana 4
  • Octobriana 5
  • Octobriana: UKCAC '97 Ashcan
  • Dark Zone 15/16

Formed in 1997 following the dissolution of Revolution Comics, Artful Salamander has taken the previous Octobriana series in a different direction. It still continues to surprise and entertain to this day (particularly since this very site has been produced by the reptilian British gits as well).